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February 9-12, 2022                                                          Boston, Massachusetts

        grees from Harvard College, New  choral-theater work  Bonhoeff er by   Chorus, the largest gay men’s chorus
        England Conservatory, University  The Crossing was nominated for a   and community chorus in the world,
        of Cincinnati, and Hebrew College.  2017 Grammy Award for Best Cho-  will soon be published by Oxford
                                           ral Performance.                  University Press. Moy serves on the
                    Thomas Lloyd is in his                                   ACDA Standing Committee for In-
                    22nd season as artistic           Wendy Moy is an assis-  ternational Activities.
                    director of the Bucks             tant professor of music
                    County Choral Soci-               education at Syracuse              Diana V. Sáez is the di-
                    ety and 12th year as              university  and   the              rector of choral activi-
        Canon for Music and the Arts at the           co-artistic director of            ties at Towson Univer-
        Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral.  Chorosynthesis Singers. They re-              sity. A leading specialist
        Lloyd is emeritus professor of music  leased Empowering Silenced Voices,         in Latin American mu-
        at Haverford College, where he di-  a 2-CD collection of new socially   sic, Sáez is a frequent guest conduc-
        rected the choral and vocal studies  conscious music, and established   tor, and lecturer in the United States
        program for Haverford and Bryn  the ESV Database for Socially Con-   and abroad. She has presented at
        Mawr Colleges from 1996 to 2018.  scious Choral Music. Her ethno-    national and regional ACDA con-
        As a composer, the recording of his  graphic study of the Seattle Men’s   ferences, universities, and various

                                             yale glee club
                                                 Je≠rey Douma, Musical Director

               Emerging Composers Competition

               First Prize: $1,500, premiere performance by the Yale Glee Club, and possible future publication
               Compositions for a cappella or accompanied SATB Choir
               Please visit for details and submission info
               Submission Deadline:
               April 1, 2022

                                        Yale Glee Club New Classics Choral Series
                                      A source for new music that will engage your singers and your audiences

                                 Dominick Argento   Cristian Grases    Jocelyn Hagen    James Macmillan    Michael Gilbertson
                            Eric Banks    Dale Trumbore    Je≠rey Douma   Dominick DiOrio    Kathleen Allan   Brandon Waddles

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            27
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