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2022 ACDA Eastern Region Conference
est S
Interest Sessionsessions
Shireen Abu-Khader A Brief Introduction Come Sunday
is a Palestinian-Jorda- of Choral Literature
nian composer and ed- In the United States, the Black
ucator with degrees in in Eastern Asian Cultures church’s mission has been two-
music education and pronged. It has been a place of
choral conducting from the Univer- This session aims to provide prac- comfort, where members of its com-
sity of Toronto, the University of tical and valuable guidances for mu- munity can celebrate, mourn, and
Southern California, and Oberlin sic educators to study and program commune in an affi rming spiritual
Conservatory. In 2002 she founded choral literature from Eastern Asian center. The Black church has also
Dozan wa Awtar Music Establish- musical cultures. Starting with a gen- served as an incubator for change-
ment. Her CD “Introducing Dozan” eral introduction of the geography agent thinking, addressing the issues
was released in 2008. Abu-Khader of the Eastern Asian musical cul- that intellectually, physically, and so-
composes and collaborates with per- tures, the audience will explore cho- cially impact the Black community.
formers in introducing music from ral repertoire from musical cultures The soundtrack of the Black church
her native region. She has recently of Japan, Korea, Mongolia, and begins with the Negro spiritual and
founded Dozan World, which aims China. This session also briefl y in- evolves into gospel, freedom songs,
to increase international access to troduces the historical development and contemporary gospel idioms.
this repertoire through music pub- of choral music in Eastern Asian This interest session traces the devel-
lishing. cultures, both in its traditional form opment of this soundtrack and off ers
and under the influence of the West- a grounded and practical approach
William Culverhouse ern European musical style. to performance practice, gesture,
serves as director of programming, and choral pedago-
choral activities at Pingyi Song is pursu- gy. Attendees will actively engage in
Binghamton Univer- ing a DMA at the Uni- singing and conducting, with exam-
sity, where he directs versity of North Caro- ples expertly demonstrated by the St.
three curricular choirs and the pro- lina, Greensboro. As a Thomas Gospel Choir.
fessional-level Southern Tier Sing- Chinese original musi-
ers’ Collective. He holds degrees in cian, she is dedicated to promoting The St. Thomas Gospel Choir, con-
choral conducting and music edu- cultural exchange musically between ducted by Walt Blocker will serve at
cation from the University of Mary- the U.S. and China. Song holds an the demonstration choir for this ses-
land and Oberlin Conservatory. MM from West Virginia Universi- sion. Their photos and bios are on
He previously taught public school ty, a Choral Summer School Cer- page 13.
general and choral music, directed tificate from the Oxford University
the principal choir at St. Matthew’s Continuing Education, U.K., and Arreon A. Harley-
Cathedral in Washington, D.C., and undergraduate degrees from Mans- Emerson is the direc-
served on the faculty at Earlham field University of Pennsylvania and tor of music and op-
College. He has traveled extensive- Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, erations at the Choir
ly in the Middle East collaborating China. School of Delaware.
with musicians and directing choirs. Committed to the principles of eq-
uity and justice, Harley-Emerson
has also established a thriving con-
sultancy, Equity Sings, to assist arts
and culture nonprofits in remaining
24 CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5