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2022 ACDA Eastern Region Conference

                                           In t e r est S
                                           Interest Sessionsessions

              Philosophy and Praxis:                  Shohei Kobayashi is a   paign. He is published in  Choral
            A More Inclusive Pedagogy                 conductor and vocal-   Journal  and Music Educator’s Journal;
                                                      ist. He is an assistant   his book,  Aligning Voices: Exercises to
           through Repertoire Selection
                                                      professor of music and   Build Choral Musicianship, is available
                                                      director of choral ac-  through GIA Publications.
           By which criteria do we select rep-  tivities at Reed College in Portland,
        ertoire for our ensembles and how  Oregon. Kobayashi’s diverse music-
        might we design our commitments  making experiences include collabo-      “Resonate” in Rehearsal:
        to diversity, equity, and inclusion  rating as a songwriter and bandmate
        (DEI) into that selection process?  in contemporary music settings. He   Revisiting the Harmony that
        Beyond diversifying our concert pro-  holds a BM from Lewis & Clark Col-  Distinguishes Choral Music
        grams, our DEI-focused practices  lege and an MM and DMA from
        must intentionally seek to distinguish  University of Michigan School of   We will read and sing tradition-
        between the varied cultural con-   Music, Theatre & Dance.           al and shape-note notation, learn
        texts of our chosen repertoire, fi nd                                 warm-ups for tuning, and review
        the musical and pedagogical mer-                                     sight-singing strategies that incor-
        its of every piece, and expand our    The Power of Story in Song:    porate improvised harmonizations.
        storytelling to include often untold                                 This session is based on the multiple
        narratives. This session will explore   Feeding the Choir’s Soul     expected outcomes of a 21st-century
        an approach to repertoire selection                                  rehearsal emphasizing the skills sing-
        that centers the cultivation of both   Over the course of rehearsal   ers need to be productive in rehears-
        our singers’ musical skills and their  period, our singers speak, sing, re-  als of Western and other musics but
        developing worldviews.             peat, practice, and scrutinize each   also emphasizes the ability to create
                                           word of our repertoire. This leads to   a harmony part “by ear.”
                    Jabarie Glass is an as-  “message fatigue” and a numbing to
                    sistant professor of mu-  the power of the story in the song. As     Bryan E. Nichols is a
                    sic and the associate di-  choral conductors we must bring the       teacher and conductor
                    rector of choral studies  magic of the text back. This session       at the Pennsylvania
                    in the School of Music  will teach you how to inject aesthetic       State University, where
        at the University of South Carolina.  intention into your singers’ perfor-       he leads the University
        His varied conducting experiences  mances through poetry, visual art,   Choir, teaches courses in music and
        have included working with universi-  creative writing, and collaborative   education, and directs the Pitch Ex-
        ty, secondary, community youth, fes-  processes.                     ploration Lab. Nichols has served in
        tival, and church ensembles. Ensem-                                  leadership positions in NAfME and
        bles under his direction have given           Dean Luethi serves     ACDA. He served on the Future
        performances at state and regional            as the director of the   Directions Committee for the Ken-
        conferences of ACDA. Glass earned             School of Music, direc-  tucky MEA and was the Region 4
        degrees from the University of Mis-           tor of choral activities,   Choral Chair.
        sissippi, the Florida State University        and associate professor
        College of Music, and the Univer-  at Washington State University. He
        sity of Michigan School of Music,  received degrees from University of
        Theatre & Dance.                   Wisconsin–Green Bay, University of
                                           South Florida in Tampa, and Uni-
                                           versity of Illinois–Urbana/Cham-

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