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February 9-12, 2022                                                          Boston, Massachusetts

        relevant in the 21st century. Har-  physical and vocal improvisation.  around the globe and has published
        ley-Emerson is a University Fellow at  Rhythm bridges what we hear with  books, book chapters, DVDs, and
        the Boyer School of Music Dance at  what we do. This is a participato-  articles in music education journals
        Temple University, where he is pur-  ry session where attendees will be  and journals for arts medicine. With
        suing a PhD in music education with  engaged in full group and partner  co-author, Marla Butke, Dalcroze Eu-
        a cognate in choral conducting.    movement activities to internalize  rhythmics in the Choral Classroom was
                                           various aspects of the choral expe-  released by the Hal Leonard Corpo-
                                           rience.                           ration in 2021.

                                                      David Frego is the di-
               Helping Our Singers                    rector of the Penn
               Understand Rhythm                      State School of Music          Everyone’s Song:
                                                      and a professor of mu-      Gender-Inclusivity in the
           By using various choral octavo,  sic education. He was the inaugural         Choir Room
        participants will be off ered  strate-  president of the American Eurhyth-
        gies for teaching rhythm. The pros  mics Society. Frego regularly presents   With men’s choirs, women’s
        and cons of various commonly used  workshops on Dalcroze Eurhythmics  choirs, tuxes, dresses, and standard
        counting systems will be evaluated.

                    William Cutter is direc-
                    tor of choral programs,
                    M.I.T. Professor of
                    Core Studies (Theo-
                    ry and Ear Training),
        Boston Conservatory at Berklee. He
        is a former assistant chorus master
        of the Tanglewood Festival Chorus
        of the Boston Symphony and the
        former chorus master of Boston
        Lyric Opera Company.                           Internationally renowned since 1989 for running
                                                         World Music Study-Performance Camps

                                             Immersing singers in authentic harmony-singing traditions from South
                                                      Africa, Georgia, Corsica, the Balkans and America
              Dalcroze Eurhythmics
                                                Each camp features a trio of leaders, each expert in the genre.
             for the Choral Conductor

                                                      Now enrolling for our Summer 2022 programs:
           The purpose of this interest ses-
        sion is to demonstrate how Dal-        • Two teen camps in New England with 10-day performance tours
        croze-based techniques may be used   • Mixed-age international programs in Corsica, the Republic of Georgia
        to connect the brain and the body        & South Africa, with local leaders and hosted by local choirs
        through purposeful movement. The
        eurhythmics approach acknowledg-        •Two one-week adult camps, in Massachusetts and in Oregon
        es the human body as the fi rst instru-
        ment and builds learning through              
        rhythmic movement, singing, and

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            25
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