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2022 ACDA Eastern Region Conference

                                            Interest Sessionsessions
                                            In t e r est S

        repertoire that often reinforces mas-  ondary school setting or general mu-  Voices of Change:
        culine and feminine stereotypes, the  sic in an elementary school setting.
        gender lines in choral music class-  He sings in the Temple University   Impacting the Communities
        rooms are well established. How-   Concert Choir under the direction             We Serve
        ever, the number of students who  of Paul Rardin and serves as a mu-
        choose to express their non-binary  sic director for Pitch, Please, Tem-  This session will address questions
        gender identity has seen a steady in-  ple University’s Queer Advocacy  of identity, performance, and the
        crease. This session will unpack the  A Cappella group. He is passionate  choir’s role in society.
        results of a national study exploring  about advocacy for LGBTQ+ issues
        gender-inclusive practices in choral  and in particular the experiences of       Michael Bussewitz-
        music. We will examine the intersec-  trans and non-binary singers in edu-       Quarm (she/her) com-
        tion of gender diversity and singing  cational music settings.                   poses choral music
        and discuss practical steps choral                                               that engages singers
        directors can take to begin creating                                             and audiences with the
        a more inclusive environment for         Identity and Inclusion      leading social and environmental is-
        transgender and non-binary singers.                                  sues of our time. A centerpiece of
                                                   in Choral Spaces:         each commissioning consortium is

                    Dustin S. Cates is as-    Pathways to Lasting Change     the opportunity to work with Busse-
                    sistant professor of                                     witz-Quarm through Zoom sessions
                    choral music education   We have come through an unprec-  and through pre-recorded panel dis-
                    at Temple Universi-    edented year of self-examination,  cussions with authors, speakers, and
                    ty, where he conducts  where the persistence of racism, an-  leaders in the area of focus. In addi-
        the University Chorale and teaches  tisemitism, ethnic xenophobia, and  tion, she off ers an extensive catalog
        courses in choral methods and mu-  the marginalization of women’s  of existing self-published and works
        sic education. Cates has worked with  voices and those from people of di-  published by Peermusic Classical.
        singers of all ages in a variety of  vergent ethnic, sexual, physical, and
        settings. He is past president of the  cognitive identities has again come  Rollo Dilworth is a clinician for this
        Kansas Choral Directors Associa-   to the fore. A diverse panel of con-  session. His photo and bio are on
        tion and currently serves as National  ductors will share how they see the  page 23.
        ACDA R&R Chair for Tenor/Bass  challenges for their choirs as they
        choirs. He holds undergraduate and  seek to forge lasting change. We             Joshua R. Jacobson,
        doctoral degrees in choral music ed-  hope attendees will come away with         founder and director
        ucation from the University of Mis-  an awareness that while the ques-           of the Zamir Chorale
        souri-Kansas City Conservatory and  tions themselves apply to all, the an-       of Boston, is visiting
        a master’s from Baker University.  swers will be different for each choir.        professor in the School

                                           There will be three sessions covering  of Jewish Music at Hebrew College,
                    Ben Herstig is a senior  these topics; descriptions and bios  and served 45 years as professor of
                    choral music education  are below.                       music and choral director at North-
                    major at Boyer College                                   eastern University before retiring in
                    of Music and Dance                                       2018. His published choral works
                    at Temple University.                                    are performed by choirs around the
        Upon graduation, Herstig hopes to                                    world. A past president of Massa-
        teach either choral music in a sec-                                  chusetts ACDA, Jacobson holds de-

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