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February 9-12, 2022                                                          Boston, Massachusetts

        The Sister Cities Girlchoir (SCG) is the girl-empower-         Alysia Lee is a Kennedy Center Citizen
        ment choral academy serving communities in Philadel-           Artist, and the Fine Arts education super-
        phia, Camden, and Baltimore. SCG builds communi-               visor for the Maryland State Department
        ties of music makers that empower girls to occupy their        of Education supporting music, dance, vi-
        unique position in creating a better world. SCG has            sual arts, theatre, and media arts. She is the
        performed at Carnegie Hall, The Kennedy Center, The   founder of Sister Cities Girlchoir, the girl empowerment
        Kimmel Center, and throughout local communities.    choral academy in PA, MD, and NJ. Her composition
                                                            Say Her Name is published by Hal Leonard. Lee is a Cho-
                                                            rus America Board Member and the president-elect of
                                                            State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education.

                                        2022 ACDA Eastern Region Conference

                                       Interest Sessionsessions
                                              est S
         African American Spirituals and              in the Department of        Approaching New Arab
           the Social Justice Curriculum              Music Education and
                                                      Therapy at Temple              Choral Repertoire
           Throughout their history, Afri-            University’s  Center
        can American Spirituals have not              for the Performing       There is a vast wealth of beau-
        only functioned as cultural artifacts,   and Cinematic Arts in Philadelphia.   tiful choral repertoire from Arab
        but also as anthems for social justice   In addition to more than 150 cho-  countries, but many choral direc-
        and social change. This session will   ral compositions and arrangements,   tors feel daunted approaching it.
        highlight the social justice function   he has authored 3 books of choral   This session will provide an intro-
        of the African American Spiritual.   warm-up exercises titled Choir Build-  duction to Arabic pronunciation
        Research-based resources will be   ers. Dilworth is a frequent guest con-  and vocal style by exploring four
        used to make the case for teaching   ductor and clinician, presenting on   Arabic vocal pieces, including three
        social justice in the vocal/choral   topics including African American   new contemporary choral composi-
        music classroom. Participants will   choral music, composing/arrang-  tions based on traditional material.
        sing excerpts from selected Spiritu-  ing for choirs, social justice, cultural   These varied compositions present
        als to better understand opportuni-  appropriation, urban music educa-  accessible examples of the many

        ties for building a music curriculum   tion, community engagement, and   different genres, rhythms, scales,
        based on Bree Picower’s (2012) six   diversity, equity, and inclusion.   and musical styles within Arab vo-
        elements of social justice.  Educa-                                  cal music, and are appropriate for
        tional outcomes and strategies for                                   multiple voicings and levels of cho-
        advocacy for a social justice focused                                ral ensembles. For each piece, we
        choral curriculum will be explored.                                  will cover historical and musical
                                                                             context and give participants expe-
                                                                             rience singing the music.
        Rollo Dilworth is vice dean and
        professor of choral music education

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            23
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