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February 9-12, 2022                                                          Boston, Massachusetts

                         Village Harmony                    Editor’s note: Larry Gordon passed away on November 9, 2021.
                        Northern Harmony                    In recognition of  his achievement of  this region conference perfor-
                                                            mance invitation, we are including his bio below.
                                      Northern Harmony
                                    is the highest level per-          Larry Gordon is the founder and director
                                    forming group under the            of Village Harmony, an organization ded-
                                    umbrella of the world              icated to the study of traditional singing
                                    music organization Vil-            styles from throughout the world. He has
                                    lage Harmony. Since                led Village Harmony study and perfor-
                                    1993 they have toured   mance camps working with native tradition bearers in
                                    and performed widely    South Africa, Georgia, Corsica, Bulgaria, and Macedo-
                                    throughout America and   nia. Since 1993 he has led 20 European tours with his
        Europe to great critical acclaim. Not a permanent year-  select touring ensemble, Northern Harmony.  He is also
        round group, the  ensemble is constituted specifi cally for   founder and director of Onion River Chorus, a non-au-
        each extended performing tour or shorter term project.   ditioned classical community choir based in Montpelier,
        Many of the members have sung with Village Harmony   Vermont. He is the editor of Northern Harmony, a volume
        since  their young teens, and most have studied traditional   of 140 shape-note songs from the New England singing

        singing styles  first hand with native teachers in South   school tradition.
        Africa, Bulgaria, Corsica, and Caucasus Georgia.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            19
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