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2022 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference
Interest Sessionsessions
est S
award-winning Chamber Choir. Brenda Winkle has di- nects them in a relatable way? How
The UO Chamber Choir has placed rected choirs of singers can we bridge what can be a dis-
first or second in four international from age three to adult connect between singing in a choral
choral competitions. through the midwest, ensemble and singing in applied les-
Idaho, and relocated to sons? This session provides practical
Beaverton, Oregon, in 2021. Origi- applications for how to teach singers
nally from Nebraska, she has a BME to find and use their authentic voices
Understanding Your Diversity,
and a masters’s degree from Boi- by sharing suggestions from various
Equity, and Inclusion Blueprint se State University in Educational vocal pedagogy approaches, includ-
Leadership. She teaches elementary ing Estill Voice. It is applicable to
Our DEI blueprints are the start- music for the Beaverton School Dis- directors working with high school,
ing point. They may affect us in trict. She has served on the NWAC- college and older community sing-
ways we are consciously aware of DA board since 2019. ers.
as well as influencing on our uncon-
scious biases and blindspots through Amy Johnston Blosser
things that were openly, tacitly, and served nine years on
accidentally taught by our parental You Are the Voice Teacher: the ACDA National
impacters, teachers, leaders, friends, Teaching Technique and Board as the Reper-
etc. This session will help attendees Authenticity of Vocal Production toire and Resources
identify DEI blindspots and provide Committee Chairperson. Under her
strategies for creating or strengthen- in Choral Singing direction, Bexley H.S. Vocal Ensem-
ing a choir’s DEI initiatives. ble has performed for NAfME and
What terminology can we use to ACDA conferences, including Cen-
provide clarity to singers that con- tral Region performances in 2012,
2016, and 2020. Blosser was select-
ed for the 2015 ACDA Internation-
al Conductors Exchange Program
with Sweden.
C. Andrew Blosser,
DMA, serves on the
voice faculty at Ohio
Apply Today! State, and is director
of music at First Com-
Camp Dates: June 18-26, 2022 munity Church. Blosser is a featured
soloist with orchestras and ensem-
bles. Highlights include Vaughn Wil-
liams’s On Wenlock Edge (Carpe Diem
Seeking High School Singers | Scholarships Available
String Quartet), Handel’s Messiah
(Columbus Symphony Orchestra),
and Bach’s St. Matthew Passion (Bach
Society of Dayton). He served as
cantor for services at the Berlin Ca-
160 CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5