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2022 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference

                                          Repertoire Spotlight Sessions
                                          Reper   t oir e Spotligh  t S essions

           From Cultural Appropriation          Honoring One Another:        Emily Ellsworth, Presenter
                to Reconciliation:              A Unique Approach to         Spokane Area Youth Choirs,
          Resources for Moving Forward      Multicultural Music in Worship   Demonstration Choir

          Conductors often seek to pro-      In 2016, the members of three
        gram and present diverse composi-  Seattle-area churches, one predom-  Middle School/Junior High Music
        tions in a way that honors the works’  inantly African American, one pre-
        originating cultures. This session will  dominantly Chinese American, and   for Building Community
        provide a “how-to” for navigating  one predominantly white, began
        the process. Composers and cul-   building intentional relationships   Kim Claassen will present a re-
        ture-bearers Sydney Guillaume and  with one another. By sharing lead-  source of “tried and true” literature
        Coreen Duffy will offer their own  ership and combining their resourc-  with a focus on community and ex-

        practice areas as a point of illustra-  es, they found ways to honor one  perience. This session is intended
        tion, and will provide steps to move  another’s cultures through music.  to not only provide great literature
        towards achieving ethically sourced  Come hear the story from some of  ideas recommended by our fantastic
        and culturally sensitive performanc-  the directors involved and learn how  colleagues in the NW region, but to
        es.                               you can build similar relationships  also provide ideas of how you might
                                          between choirs in your community.  use this music to build community
        Coreen Duff y and                                                     and provide unique experiences for
        Sydney Guillaume, presenters      David Gardner and                  your ensemble.
                                          Tammi Broughton, presenters
                                                                             Kim Claassen, presenter

            Gospel Music for Everyone
                                                 Keys to the Kingdom:

          Gospel choirs arose out of a his-      Building Choral Tone         Music by Northwest Composers:
        tory and culture that are both vital                                     A Panel of Women, BIPOC
        for understanding the role that mu-  This session focuses on build-        & LGBTQ+ Composers
        sic plays in public life.  Join us for a  ing key vocal habits, with partic-
        dive into the essential repertoire of  ular focus on sensation and body   This lively panel discussion in-
        gospel music, alongside a presenta-  awareness for each singer, not just  cludes Pacifi c Northwest women,
        tion on the history and performance  listening. Young singers often have  BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ composers.
        practice of the genre. For secular and  little experience with the sensations  Hear their stories, learn about their
        academic choirs, we will include tips  of healthy singing, and inability to  music, and take home resource lists
        on how to responsibly engage with  match pitch is often a result. Using  to help you fi nd their music and the
        practitioners of gospel music.    a demo choir of young singers, this  music of other BIPOC, LGBTQ+,
                                          session demonstrates multiple ideas  and female composers from the Pa-
        Ethan Chessin, Presenter          for bringing out a beautiful, healthy  cifi c Northwest.
                                          tone in young singers, utilizing rep-
                                          ertoire suitable to varied develop-  Karen P. Thomas, moderator
                                          mental stages.
                                                                             John Muehleisen, coordinator

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