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March 9-12, 2022                                                                  Spokane, Washington

        Panelists: Sydney Guillaume, Giselle  anyone faced with the challenge of    Treble Repertoire for
        Wyers, and Patrick Carrabre        restructuring their curriculum for a   Adolescent Changing Voices
                                           new day and age.
                                                                               This session will provide reper-
                                           Timothy Fitzpatrick, moderator
               Pre-Service Teachers:                                         toire and vocal techniques used for
          Revising the Music Curriculum    Touré Pruitt, Kara Jamieson, and   teaching treble singers through the
                                           Nancy Thompson, presenters        various stages of vocal development.
              for a New Day and Age                                          Specific strategies related to vocal

                                                                             tone production and artistry will be
           This session is intended for those                                addressed within the context of each
        choral teachers who may also end up                                  piece.
        teaching elementary/general music.
        Presenters will provide an overview                                  Sandra Babb, presenter
        of a new music curriculum being                                      Molly Steele, Coordinator
        rolled out in their district that is
        fresh, inclusive, and equitable for all
        learners. Essential information for

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