Page 158 - Jan.indd
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2022 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference
est S
Interest Sessionsessions
cal development of choral music Gordon College, Kodály Music In- in which interactive performances
in Eastern Asian cultures, both in stitute, and Longy School of Music can enhance the concert experience.
its traditional form and under the of Bard College. He has led all-state
influence of the Western European or honor choirs in seven states and
musical style. Ontario, Canada.
Choral Storytelling:
Pingyi Song is the clinician for this Tools and Techniques
session. Her photo and bio are on The Choral Musician
page 24. As artists and educators, we are
as Teaching Artist:
uniquely positioned to bridge divi-
Methods for Engaging sion through empathy. How do we
Concert Audiences do that? Storytelling. Regardless of
The Choral Legacy
the medium, art is about telling sto-
of R. Nathaniel Dett Program notes and brief intro- ries and human connection. This
ductory remarks have long been the session will dive into tools and tech-
This interactive session discusses vehicle for informing and educating niques from the theatre world that
the life, legacy, and choral music of concert audiences. However, master we can apply in our choral world to
R. Nathaniel Dett (1882-1943), the Teaching Artists agree that a more help both our individual singers and
Canadian and American composer, impactful way to give our audiences our ensembles become better story-
conductor, and professor at a num- “a way into” the music is by inviting tellers.
ber of Historically Black Colleges them to do more than simply attend
and Universities. Through a combi- a concert. This session will demon- Jeff Horenstein is a clinician for this
nation of demonstration choir per- strate simple methods for inviting session. His photo and bio are on
formances, delegate participation audiences to participate, create, or page 149.
and professional recordings, this reflect on the music in a way that
session introduces and reintroduc- deepens personal responses to it. In- Kip Taisey is an assis-
es several pieces by Dett. The pre- teractive concert elements are per- tant professor of the-
senter will also share how to access fect for ensembles looking to connect atre arts at Flagler Col-
Dett’s works and ideas for creatively with audiences in new and meaning- lege in St. Augustine,
programming them. ful ways. Florida. He has acted
professionally for over ten years,
Jamie Hillman is an Lindsey Bruner Wood- fi ve in New York City, toured with
American and Cana- cock is a DMA candi- numerous theatre companies, and
dian musician, active date in choral conduct- worked in voice-over and television.
as a conductor, singer, ing at the University of Taisey holds an MFA in Musical
pianist, and music ed- Georgia. Prior to studies Theatre from the University of Cen-
ucator. He holds the Elmer Iseler at UGA, Woodcock earned degrees tral Florida and a BM from Central
Chair in Conducting at the Univer- from Iowa State University (BM) and Washington University.
sity of Toronto, where he conducts the University of Iowa (MA) and has
the MacMillan Singers and leads the held teaching positions in elementa-
MM and DMA programs in Cho- ry, middle school, high school, col-
ral Conducting. Previously Hillman legiate, and church settings. Wood-
served on the faculties of Boston cock’s doctoral research is focused on
University Tanglewood Institute, audience engagement and the ways
156 CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5