Page 157 - Jan.indd
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2022 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference
Interest Sessionsessions
In t e r est S
Acknowledgement, Affi rmation “A More Excellent Way” Amplifying Womxn’s Voices:
and Action: Cultivating an Blank Slate Worship An Intersectional Approach
Inclusive Choral Community to Equity in the Choral Ensemble
Without a doubt, communities of
Unpacking the bias in our curric- faith were overwhelmed with emo- Utilizing an intersectional ap-
ulum and in ourselves is a diffi cult tion when they fi rst reopened for proach, this session will address
but necessary process in creating and in-person singing. However, if com- equity through programming by
fostering an inclusive choral com- ing “back to normal” was always highlighting repertoire written by
munity. Concepts presented in this the goal, then we’ve missed a blank womxn, acknowledging the inter-
session will help you ACKNOWL- slate opportunity. This session will section of race and gender in choral
EDGE your biases (personal and explore how reconciliation has been repertoire, and providing sugges-
curricular), identify blind spots that rooted in scriptural worship from the tions for how to reframe or replace
may minoritize and marginalize start, how breath is both a technical problematic music. Attendees will
singers in your ensembles or class- and spiritual component, and how also have access to composer and
rooms, outline methods that support vulnerability through repertoire se- repertoire databases, informative
the AFFIRMATION of varied lived lection and delivery must be at the playlists and podcasts, and a “Rep-
experiences, represented in your en- heart of your choir’s mission to lead ertoire Accountability Checklist” to
sembles and offer ACTION steps communities in worship. help evaluate repertoire through a
that support diversity, equity, inclu- more equitable lens.
sion, access, and belonging. Brennan Michaels is
director of music and Alyssa Cossey is the clinician for this
Derrick Fox is the di- worship at Bellevue session. Her photo and bio are on
rector of choral activ- Presbyterian Church. page 44.
ities and distinguished He conducts multiple
associate professor of choral and instrumental ensembles
music at the University and oversees a robust K-12 youth
of Nebraska-Omaha. He has con- choral program. Michaels was re- A Brief Introduction
ducted, presented, and lectured in cently appointed as conductor of the of Choral Literature in
venues, conferences, and institutions Concert Choir at Northwest Univer-
across the United States and interna- sity. From 2012 to 2015 he served as Eastern Asian Musical Cultures
tionally. He created the Professional artistic director of the Minneapolis
Choral Collective to collect and cre- chamber choir From Age to Age. This interest session aims to pro-
ate learning activities and teaching He received his DMA from Michi- vide practical and valuable guidanc-
strategies for choral music educators gan State University, his MM from es for music educators to study and
during the pandemic of 2020. Baylor University, and his BM from program choral literature from East-
Concordia College. ern Asian musical cultures. Starting
with a general introduction of the
geography of the Eastern Asian
musical cultures, the audience will
explore choral repertoire from the
musical cultures of Japan, Korea,
Mongolia, and China. This session
also briefly introduces the histori-
CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5 155