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2022 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference

                                           Interest Sessionsessions
                                           In t e r est S

        that draw on overlooked parts of the  Matt Hill is the clinician for this ses-  University Press book, Honoring Trans
        canon. In addition to uncovering  sion. His photo and bio are on page  and Gender-Expansive Students in Music
        more approachable works by well-   133.                              Education, the presenters will provide
        known composers of the Renais-                                       context and practical suggestions for
        sance and Baroque eras, This session                                 working with students who inhab-
        will highlight voices often excluded                                 it a variety of spaces among gen-
        from our choral history. Learn new      HeArtful Collaborations:     der-identity and gender expression
        resources for this repertoire and how    Combining Visual Arts       continuums. Choral director-educa-
        to creatively program these works.                                   tors will have opportunities to refl ect
        Scores and audio will be provided          and Choral Music          on their own choral settings, engage
        for every repertoire example.                                        in a discussion of policies, consider
                                             We have an exciting opportunity  instructional strategies, and prac-
        Liza Calisesi Maidens (she/her) is  to engage our returning audiences  tice healthy group vocal techniques
        the clinician for this session. Her bio  in creative ways. One type of mean- that will honor singers from all age
        and photo are on page 46.          ingful, cross-discipline collaboration  groups.
                                           exists in the possibility of combin-
                                           ing visual art and choral music to  Matthew L. Garrett is a clinician for
                                           encourage audiences and singers to  this session. His photo and bio are
                 EXTRA! EXTRA!             develop rich emotional connections  on page 46.
             A Session on Internal and     by building creative intersections for

              External Social Media        different artforms. This session will  Joshua Palkki is a clinician for this
                                           present a process to organize success- session. His photo and bio are on
                Promotion of the           ful visual art collaborations, provide  page 47.
             Scholastic Music Program      artist insights and show examples of
                                           artwork from previous projects, and
           With a heightened awareness of  embolden conductors to dream of
        social media’s hold on communica-  their own visual art collaborations   How to Live Long and Prosper
        tion, we must become strategically  with future concert programming      as a Choral Music Educator
        active on social media platforms for  plans.
        the purposes of: internal communi-                                     One of the main diff erences be-
        cation, ensemble recruitment, rela- Brian A. Schmidt is the clinician for  tween school and real life is that in
        tionship cultivation with community  this session. His photo and bio are on  school we are given a lesson and
        organizations, and advertising for  page 91.                         then we have a test. In the “real
        our concerts/events. This presenta-                                  world” we are tested and then we
        tion provides practical strategies for                               learn our lesson. Participants of this
        using social media channels to pro-                                  session will learn: 1) strategies and
        mote auditions, performances, high-       Honoring Trans and         concepts to create and maintain an
        light current and alumni musicians,    Gender-Expansive Singers      open, vulnerable, and affi  rming en-
        branding annual events, the diff er-                                  vironment in the classroom; 2) ideas
        ence between “pages” and “groups”    Trans   and    gender-expansive  to stay healthy and positive, whereby
        for internal and external promotion,  (TGE) singers deserve safe and  creating more eff ective  educators;
        uses for monthly newsletters, and  empowering spaces to engage in  3) suggestions from the presenter
        possible sponsor relationship en-  high-quality choral music experienc-  for longevity in our profession; and
        gagement.                          es. Drawing from their new Oxford  4) guidance from the presenter in

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