Page 165 - Jan.indd
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March 9-12, 2022                                                                  Spokane, Washington

                    Kelly Kaye is the direc-  directing the Boise Gay Men’s Cho-  school choral music director for 38
                    tor of the Boise Gay   rus, she works with Opera Idaho as  years. After graduating from Boise
                    Men’s Chorus. She      chorus master, director of the Rising  State University in 1983, she began
                    earned an MM and       Stars program for high school stu-  her teaching career in Spokane, WA.
                    BME from Arizona       dents, and accompanist for Idaho  From there she moved to Colorado,
        State University. Following gradu-  Opera Children’s Chorus.         where she taught for 25 years. She
        ation, she studied at the American                                   received her MM from the Univer-
        Institute of Musical Studies in Graz,         Sidney Hudson  is the  sity of Northern Colorado in 1997.
        Austria. In 2018, Kaye retired after          director of the Boise  Hudson currently serves as Idaho
        23 years of teaching music in the             Women’s Chorus.  She  ACDA president.
        Boise School District. In addition to         has been a secondary

                                            2022 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference

                                                        e Spotligh
                                           Repertoire Spotlight Sessions
                                                                      t S
            ASCAP + BMI: Performance            Beyond the Sea Shanty:          The Black Misunderstanding:
           Licensing for Composers and            Voice Building with           Improving African American
          Conductors (Composition Track)         Beginning TB Choirs                   Historical and
                                                                                   Performance Practice
           Attend this session on Perfor-    This session is built on the con-
        mance Licensing to get answers to  cept of appropriate pedagogy and    In our vocal jazz ensembles, we
        the following burning questions: For  skill building for those beginning TB  often neglect to connect our reper-
        Composers: Why should I join AS-   singers in our ensembles, through  toire and our teaching to the African
        CAP or BMI?  How do I get paid  the avenue of repertoire that is both  American roots from which the mu-
        by ASCAP and BMI for my perfor-    age-appropriate and beyond the  sic came. This session will provide
        mances? How much will I get paid  “normal” themes of sea shanties  valuable historical context and ideas
        per performance? Is it really worth  and drinking songs. Both of these  for helping our singers and players
        my time to report performances?  concepts will be presented under the  make these connections. Our per-
        For Conductors: Do I need a perfor-  umbrella of creating a climate and  formances can honor the traditions
        mance licenses from both ASCAP  culture of trust in our ensembles,  of black music that we love but often
        and BMI? Why should I pay for a  schools, and communities.           misunderstand.
        performance license if I already pur-
        chased the music? How do I report  Alonso Brizuela and Katie Elshire,   John Staff ord, presenter
        performances of works, and how do  presenters                        Jeff Horenstein, coordinator

        I know if composers are ASCAP or

        John Muehleisen, presenter

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            163
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