Page 159 - Jan.indd
P. 159
March 9-12, 2022 Spokane, Washington
Collaborations with Dynamic Body Balance— will learn the theory and apply the
concepts in an interactive workshop
Culture Bearers Unlocking Communication
to enhance body awareness and in-
crease expressivity in conducting
This session demonstrates the Breath is the foundation of all and leadership.
gifts that culture bearers bring to movement, and effi cient movement
our choral rehearsals as we work to is the fundamental aspect of ges- Nicole C. Lamartine is the clinician
diversify our choral repertoire and tural communication. Based on the for this session. Her photo and bio
enrich our choristers’ understand- author’s experience with human are on page 135.
ing of cultures and musical tradi- dissection, Laban Movement The-
tions from around the globe. At ory Training, and athletic training
this session the Western Washing- systems, a theory of Dynamic Body Expanding the
ton University’s Advanced Treble Balance emerged, providing the
Chorale and their culture bearers choral conductor greater access to Choral Canon
will be present to give demonstra- expression and comfort in the body.
tions, discuss their experiences, and Using simple body positions and This session will help you create
provide a template for other direc- tools like exercise bands, participants engaging experiences for your choirs
tors who wish to bring experts into
their own choral rehearsal rooms.
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CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5 157