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2022 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference

                                           Discovery Sessions
                                                       y S
             Build Choral Excellence in    her sixth year in Havre, where she   to Contemporary. Students in the
                                           leads two extracurricular ensembles   Concert Choir represent a cross-sec-
                Rural School Choirs        and teaches piano, guitar, and four   tion of the Nt. View student body.
                                           choir classes. She plans on  fi nish-  In recent years, this choir has toured
           A Cappella Choir represents the  ing her Masters of Curriculum and   the Northwest, taking part in festivals
        most advanced choir in a rural com-  Instruction (Music) from Montana   and choral exchanges.
        munity of about 9,800. Students  State University in 2022.
        are provided with enriching choral                                               Jenny Bell is the con-
        experiences that develop their love                                              ductor of the Moun-
        for music making, and students em-                                               tain View High School
        phasize that it is the friendships and   Ditch Your Auditions!                   Concert Choir and is
        sense of camaraderie that keeps                                                  the clinician for this ses-
        them coming back for more. In this   Jenny Bell and the Mountain                 sion
        session you will hear A Cappella  View Choir will present a diff erent
        Choir perform and gain communi-    approach to school choir program
        ty-building strategies to use in any  structure that eliminates the need    Diverse Community
        context.                           for auditioned ensembles while still
                                           providing an experience and atmo-             in Sound!
                                           sphere of excellence. Reimagine
                                           your program without “failing” any   This high-energy program will
                                           student or leaving anyone behind in   feature original songs from our up-
                                           the typical choral ensemble hierar-  coming album interspersed with di-
                                           chy. Jenny Bell will share the philos-  alogue about why and how we do
                                           ophy that guides her decisions and   this work of building a sense of be-
                                           how she structures her program    longing with this diverse communi-
        The Havre High School A Cappella  where students self-select their en-  ty. Songs will likely include: “Moon
        Choir is the most advanced choir in  sembles.                        Song,” a song inspired by teenage
        a rural community of about 9,800.                                    boys detained locally;  “I’m Just Like
        Despite the ensemble’s name, they                                    You,” a song co-written by a Congo-
        perform a variety of accompanied                                     lese refugee about his desire to be-
        and unaccompanied literature. In                                     long and build a safe life; “Everyone
        2020, A Cappella recorded their                                      Can Love Someone,” a song sung at
        portion of  Montana PBS: Celebrate                                   every TRC practice and event. While

        America.                                                             not yet confirmed, we may invite a
                                                                             partner organization, Neema Youth
                   Danielle Stoll is the  The  Mountain View High School     Choir of Spokane, to join us for this
                   choir director at Havre  Concert Choir is one of 5 choirs in   session.
                   High School. She com-   the vocal program and was estab-
                   pleted her undergrad-   lished in 1981 under the direction
                   uate studies at Con-    of Janet Reiter. This 50-member
        cordia College in Moorhead, MN.  non-auditioned ensemble consists
        After teaching general music in  of juniors and seniors and focuses
        West Fargo for five years, she joined  on a high standard of choral litera-

        the Havre teaching staff. This is  ture spanning from the Renaissance

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