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March 2-5, 2022                                                              Long Beach, California

                           Snow College                                       Spirit Chorale
                         Women’s Chorale                                      of Los Angeles

                                                              For almost 30 years, the Spirit Chorale of Los An-
           Set within the small farming community of Ephraim,  geles has proudly maintained the tradition of African
        Snow College serves six rural Utah counties and has a  American choral performances. In the style of the his-

        tradition of learning going back to the 19th century.  toric ensembles as the Fisk Jubilee Singers, the chorale
        The Women’s Chorale is part of a thriving School of  keeps alive the a cappella tradition of the Negro Spiri-

        Music that offers a Bachelor of Music (with emphasis  tual. Spirit Chorale has performed in numerous concert
        in Commercial Music) Degree—a unique feature for a  halls worldwide and have proudly performed for nation-
        Junior College. They are one of two premiere choirs at  al conferences including Chorus America, ACDA, and
        Snow. They sing for a variety of functions and perform  the National Association of Negro Musicians, Inc. Pro-
        literature drawn from across the stylistic spectrum—  grams include traditional and contemporary spirituals,
        from traditional choral music to jazz, rock, and musical  Jazz, blues, and gospel selections.
                                                                       Byron J. Smith received his BM from CSU

                    Michael Huff is in his 6th year as director        Long Beach and his MM in choral con-
                    of choral activities at Snow College, where        ducting from CSU Los Angeles. Smith’s
                    he directs the Cadence Chamber Choir,              long music career has included 50 years in
                    Women’s Chorale, A Cappella Choir, and             church music and freelance keyboard work
                    the Central Utah Master Chorale.  He also  in the industry; 37 years at Los Angeles Harbor College,
        serves as dean of Fine Arts, Communication, and New  currently as a professor of commercial music; 28 years
        Media. He was the founding director of Utah Voices,  with the Spirit Chorale and numerous musical theater
        the community choir with whom he made his critically  directing projects, including his own award-winning mu-
        acclaimed Carnegie Hall debut. He holds degrees from  sicals. His choral compositions have been performed by
        the University of Utah (BM, MM) and Arizona State  ensembles worldwide. His company, Onyx Music Pub-
        University (DMA).                                   lishing, distributes his music.

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