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2022 ACDA Western Region Conference

                                         P e r f
                                         Performing Choirsorming Choirs

                           Sacra/Profana                                 San José State University

                                                              The San José State University Choraliers have been
           Sacra/Profana is a San Diego-based professional  considered one of America’s preeminent chamber choirs
        chamber choir founded in 2009 by visionary conductor  for the past 40 years. Currently under the direction of
        Krishan Oberoi and known for their eclectic and adven-  Jeffrey Benson, the SJSU Choraliers have most recent-

        turous programing. The ensemble has given numerous  ly performed with the Irish Chamber Orchestra, The
        world, national, and regional premieres by composers  Rolling Stones, Josh Groban, Dionne Warwick, Andrea
        such as David Lang, Sarah Kirkland Snider, Saunder  Bocelli, and the Skywalker Orchestra. In the heart of

        Choi, Brandon Waddles, Stephen Feigenbaum, and  Silicon Valley, the SJSU Choraliers give four major con-
        Sarah Rimkus. Sacra/Profana also provided the voices  certs a year in addition to their annual tours throughout
        for the world premiere live performance of Michael Gi-  the state of California. The SJSU Choraliers won the
        acchino’s score for Star Trek: Beyond with the San Diego  prestigious “Choir of the World” title at the 1991 Inter-
        Symphony, and the development of Alan Menken and  national Musical Eisteddfod in Llangollen, Wales.
        Stephen Schwartz stage production of The Hunchback of
        Notre Dame with Disney Theatrical and the La Jolla Play-       Jeff rey Benson is director of choral ac-
        house.                                                         tivities at San José State University in San
                                                                       José, California.  The Washington Post  hails
                    Juan Carlos Acosta has served as the prin-         his choirs for singing “with an exquisite
                    cipal conductor of Sacra/Profana since             blend, subtlety of phrasing, confi dent mu-
                    2016 and has led the ensemble to critical-  sicianship and fully supported tone.” Benson made his
                    ly acclaimed and award-winning perfor-  international conducting debut with the Irish Chamber
                    mances in a broad array of choral reper-  Orchestra and the SJSU Choraliers in Limerick, Ire-
        toire. Acosta holds a BME and an MM from San Diego  land, and made his Carnegie Hall conducting debut in
        State University. In addition to his work with Sacra/  2015. Benson received his MM and PhD from the Flori-
        Profana, he also serves as the director of music minis-  da State University and his bachelor’s from NYU.
        tries at the Village Community Presbyterian Church in
        Rancho Santa Fe, and the director of the choral scholars
        of the University of San Diego.

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