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March 2-5, 2022 Long Beach, California
Mt. San Antonio College Northern Arizona University
Chamber Singers Women’s Chorale
During the past 27 years, the Mt. SAC Chamber
Singers have won numerous awards and received spe-
cial performance invitations, including thirteen ACDA
national and regional conferences; five California State Founded in the early twentieth century as part of
conventions; six European tours; and headline perfor- Northern Arizona State Teachers College, the Women’s
mances at the Canadian Rocky Mountain Music Festi- Chorale is one of the oldest existing choirs at Northern
val in Banff, the Australian National Choral Association Arizona University. The ensemble, consisting of almost
Convention in Port Macquarie, and at Carnegie Hall. half non-music majors, rehearses three times a week for
They won two platinum medals at the Xinghai Prize In- fifty minutes in addition to required sectionals outside
ternational Choir Championships in Guangzhou, Chi- of class. This performance will mark the Northern Ari-
na, and perform numerous tours throughout the United zona University Women’s Chorale’s second appearance
States and Canada. at an ACDA region conference. The Northern Arizona
University Women’s Chorale’s is part of a vibrant choral
Bruce Rogers is the director of choral ac- program with over 235 participants in eight ensembles.
tivities at Mt. San Antonio College. Choirs
under his direction have achieved top rank- Ryan Holder is currently in his 16th year
ing in national and international compe- as the associate director of choral studies
titions throughout the world. His choirs at NAU, where he directs the Women’s
have performed at eight California State conventions, Chorale, High Altitude vocal jazz ensem-
fourteen ACDA regional and national conferences, and ble, and teaches music technology, under-
numerous performances at the International Association graduate conducting, choral arranging, and serves as the
of Jazz Educators National Convention and the Jazz Ed- adviser for the NAU Student Chapter of ACDA. Holder
ucation Network Conference. has served as president of AzACDA and on the ACDA
National Committee on Educational Technology. He is
director of music at The Church of the Red Rocks in Se-
dona and is the founding artistic director of the Sedona
Academy of Chamber Singers.
CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5 127