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2022 ACDA Western Region Conference

                                         Performing Choirsorming Choirs
              California State University—Long Beach                         Choral Audacity
                       Pacifi c Standard Time

                                                              Choral Audacity is a chamber choir with a mission to
                                                            center stories of marginalized communities through pro-

           Pacific Standard Time is the top vocal jazz ensemble   gramming of underrepresented composers with a ros-
        at California State University—Long Beach, Bob Cole   ter of underrepresented singers. Incorporated in 2018
        Conservatory of Music. The ensemble has performed   as a project-based ensemble, Choral Audacity cultivates
        at the most prestigious state, national, and internation-  excellence through performance, mentorship, scholar-
        al music conferences and festivals including JEN, IAJE,   ship, and community. Choral Audacity has presented
        ACDA, and California MEA. They have also performed   programs such as: We All Live Here (American music
        as featured artists at the Playboy Jazz Festival on the   through the eyes of BIPOC), Freedom Come (music of
        stage of the Hollywood Bowl. Pacific Standard Time   civil rights movement and the apartheid), Wildfi re (music

        has competed at the Monterey Next Generation Jazz   in response to the California wildfires), and Balikbayan

        Festival and taken first place in the Collegiate Vocal Jazz   (stories of Overseas Filipino Workers).
        Ensemble division four times.
                                                                       Darita Seth is a Cambodian-American
                    Christine Guter is the director of vocal           conductor, Haute-Contre, and composer.
                    jazz at California State University—Long           Seth is president and artistic director of
                    Beach and director the award-winning vo-           Choral Audacity and associate director of
                    cal jazz ensemble, Pacific Standard Time.           Cantabella Children’s Chorus. Originally

                    An extraordinary educator, Guter is active   from Columbus, Ohio, Seth relocated to Long Beach
        internationally as an adjudicator and clinician, and has   from the San Francisco Bay Area in 2021, where he
        conducted numerous all-state jazz and honor choirs. She   served as the director of music at St. Timothy’s Episco-
        is also a board member of the non-profi t organization   pal Church and associate director of the Danville Girls
        Jazz Education Abroad. She also works professionally as   Chorus. In 2016, he concluded his tenure as a counter-
        a jazz vocalist and studio singer and has sung on dozens   tenor with Chanticleer. He holds a BM from Capital
        of Hollywood soundtracks.                           University and is currently completing his MM at CSU
                                                            Long Beach.

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