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2022 ACDA Western Region Conference

                                          Special Events
                                          Special E
                     Bach Collegium San Diego                                    Nation

                                                                                          Nation is a collabo-
                                                                                       rative vocal band from
                                                                                       Minneapolis/St. Paul,
                                                                                       MN, pioneered by com-
                                                                                       poser/performers Joce-
                                                                                       lyn Hagen and Timothy
                                                                                       C.  Takach. Blurring the
                                                                                       lines of pop, classical, a
                                                                                       cappella, singer/song-
                                                            writer, folk, and many other genres, Nation’s sound de-

                                                            fi es definition and commands attention from the stage.

                                                            Pioneers in their field of composing, entrepreneurship,
        Founded in 2003 by artistic director Ruben Valenzuela,  coaching youth and adults, and leading ensembles in the
        Bach Collegium San Diego diversifies musical off erings  spirit of collaboration, Takach and Hagen inspire choral

        in the San Diego community and presents a wide vari- educators to stretch outside the box with rehearsal strat-
        ety of historically significant works. The organization  egies, programming ideas, improvisation, co-teaching,

        engages many of the country’s finest singers and instru- and crafted experiences to honor and balance tradition

        mentalists to bring world-class music to the greater San  and innovation in these fast-paced times.
        Diego area. Bach Collegium San Diego’s excellent pro-
        gramming and exemplary talent have made it one of the  Timothy C. Takach frequently works with youth and
        premier early music ensembles on the West Coast and  adults as a composer-in-residence, conductor, presenter,
        one of the most dynamic ensembles in the United States. clinician, and lecturer. Applauded for his melodic lines
                                                            and rich, intriguing harmonies, Takach has received
                    Ruben Valenzuela is the founder and artis- numerous commissions and performances. Takach is
                    tic director of Bach Collegium San Diego  currently composer-in-residence for The Singers–Min-
                    (BCSD). As a conductor, keyboardist, and  nesota Choral Artists. He studied music composition at
                    musicologist, he has led BCSD in notable  St. Olaf College, Northfi eld, MN, where he graduated
                    performances of music of the Renaissance,  with honors.
        early and high Baroque, early Classical period, as well as
        music of the twentieth century. Valenzuela is regularly  Jocelyn Hagen composes music that has been described
        called upon as a guest speaker on an array of musical  as “simply magical” (Fanfare Magazine) and “dramat-
        topics encompassing music aesthetics, Mexican cathe- ic and deeply moving” (Star Tribune, Minneapolis/
        dral music, music and rhetoric, and the music of J. S.  St. Paul). She is a pioneer in the fi eld of composition,
        Bach. Valenzuela holds a PhD in musicology from Cla- pushing the expectations of musicians and audiences
        remont Graduate University and is also the director of  with large-scale multimedia works, electro-acoustic mu-
        music and organist of All Souls’ Episcopal Church, San  sic, dance, opera, and publishing. Hagen’s commissions
        Diego.                                              include Conspirare, the Minnesota Opera, the Minne-
                                                            sota Orchestra, the International Federation of Choral
                                                            Music, Minnesota ACDA, Georgia ACDA, Connecti-
                                                            cut ACDA, Texas ACDA, and the North Dakota Music
                                                            Teachers Association.

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