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March 2-5, 2022                                                               Long Beach, California

                     Brigham Young University                     California State University—Long Beach
                             Singers                                      Bob Cole Chamber Choir

                                                              CSULB’s Bob Cole Chamber Choir has won the
           Brigham Young University Singers performs piec-  Pavarotti Trophy and Choir of the World at the Welsh
        es from nearly every musical genre and many original  Isteddfod and First Prize at the Internationalar Chor-
        works written or arranged for the choir. They have given  wettbewerb at Spittal, Austria. Comprising an extraordi-
        concerts in some of the most prestigious halls through-  nary collection of musicians, the Chamber Choir tours
        out the United States and abroad, and have appeared  yearly and has concertized throughout Europe, Australia,
        frequently by invitation at state, regional, and national  New Zealand, and China. Chamber Choir performed at
        conferences of NafME, NCCO, and ACDA. Founded  NCCO at Yale in 2009, at the College of Charleston in
        in 1984 by Ronald Staheli, the choir consists of 40 stu-  2013, at four Western ACDA Conferences, and the 2021
        dents pursuing graduate and undergraduate degrees in  ACDA National Conference.
        such areas as engineering, law, accounting, and music.
        The Brigham Young University Singers will perform the          Jonathan Talberg is the recipient of the
        2022 Raymond Brock Commission “Stopping by Woods               President’s Award from the California
        on a Snowy Evening” by Ēriks Ešenvalds.                        MEA. He is in his 22nd year as director
                                                                       of choral activities at CSULB’s Bob Cole
                    Andrew Crane is professor and division             Conservatory, where he is conductor of the
                    coordinator for choral conducting and  international award-winning Bob Cole Chamber Choir
                    ensembles at Brigham Young University,  and the University Choir. He earned degrees at Pepper-
                    where he conducts the BYU Singers. Previ-  dine and Chapman Universities and at the University of
                    ous positions include director of choral ac-  Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music.
        tivities at East Carolina University and California State
        University, San Bernardino. His choirs have appeared
        by invitation at state, regional, and national conferences
        of ACDA, NAfME and NCCO, and have won multiple
        first-place prizes in international competitions. Crane

        received BM and MM degrees from Brigham Young
        University and a DMA from Michigan State University.

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