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March 2-5, 2022                                                              Long Beach, California

                             Tonality                                     Vox Femina Los Angeles

          Established in 2016, Tonality is an award-winning en-
        semble known for “open hearted singing” (Lauri’s List).
        Tonality’s most recent award is the 2020 Chorus Amer-
        ica/ASCAP Award for Adventurous Programming, a
        prize given for commitment to singing and commission-  Founded in 1997, VOX Femina Los Angeles (VOX)
        ing new works. Led by founder and artistic director Al-  gives women voice through the performance of
        exander Lloyd Blake, Tonality is an ensemble that rep-  high-quality choral literature. Diverse in culture, age,
        resents the diverse cultures and ethnicities within the Los   race, belief, and sexual identity, VOX is a chorus com-
        Angeles area. Within a year of its forming, Tonality’s   mitted to commissioning new works and raising aware-

        mission evolved to use their collective voices to present   ness about issues that affect women. Since its debut,
        concerts on themes of social justice in hopes to act as a   VOX has presented over 300 performances across the
        catalyst toward empathy and community activism.     United States, Mexico, and Canada, as well as numer-
                                                            ous appearances at ACDA and Chorus America confer-
                    Alexander Lloyd Blake works as an       ences. VOX is well known for commissioning over 50
                    award-winning conductor, composer/ar-   new works for women’s voices, collaborating with over
                    ranger, vocal contractor, singer, and music   35 contemporary composers.
                    activist. He was named Musical Ameri-
                    ca’s 30 Professionals of the Year in 2019          Iris S. Levine is founder and artistic director
        and received the Louis Botto Award for Innovative ac-          of VOX Femina Los Angeles, L.A.’s pre-
        tions and Entrepreneurial Zeal from Chorus America.            mier women’s chorus. Levine is the interim
        Blake is the founding artistic director of Tonality and        provost and vice president of Academic

        also serves as the choir director at Los Angeles County        Affairs at California State Polytechnic Uni-
        High School for the Arts. Blake completed a DMA from   versity in Pomona. As faculty, she conducted the Kellogg
        the University of Southern California, an MM from the   Chamber Singers, taught beginning conducting, choral
        University of California Los Angeles, and a BM from   conducting, and music education courses. Levine earned
        Wake Forest University.                             her DMA from the University of Southern California
                                                            and an MM from Temple University in Philadelphia.

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