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2022 ACDA Western Region Conference

                                          Overview/Special Eventsts
                                          O v er view/Special E    v en

                  Western Region Conference Vaccination/Testing Requirements as of November 15, 2021

                                                            •Your physical vaccination card/PCR results, a picture
                                                            of your vaccination card/PCR results, or a digital
                                                            vaccination record/PCR results will all be acceptable.
                                                            Your information will not be collected or stored by the

                                                            •Attendees who are ineligible for the vaccine must
                                                            provide proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken
                                                            within 72 hours prior to entering the theatre.
             Western Region Conference Leadership has been
          notified that the Terrace Theatre will require proof   • “Fully vaccinated” means you have had your second

          of vaccination or proof of a negative COVID-19    vaccine dose at least 14 days prior to the conference start.
          PCR test to enter the venue. In alignment with the
          ACDA COVID Conference Guidance adopted by         • Masks will continue to be required per current CDC
          the National Board in October, the Western Con-   guidance that all people, vaccinated or unvaccinated,
          ference will abide by these requirements for the up-  wear masks while in public spaces.
          coming region conference March 2-5. Attendees are
          expected to abide by the following:               Conference leaders will continue to monitor the situa-
                                                            tion and will provide additional updates as necessary.
          • Conference attendees must be fully vaccinated or
          must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR
          test taken within 72 hours prior to attending the
          conference.                                             Keynote Speaker:  Wednesday 7:30 pm
          •You will need to present your proof of vaccination
          or negative PCR test results upon check-in at the             Eric Whitacre is a Grammy Award-win-
          conference in order to receive your badge.                    ning composer and conductor. His
                                                                        works are programmed worldwide. His
                                                                        ground-breaking Virtual Choirs have
                             Overview                                   united singers from more than 145 coun-
                                                            tries over the last decade. A graduate of Juilliard School
           The performances, interest sessions, honor choir re-  of Music, Whitacre completed his second term as artist
         hearsals and performances, and even receptions will be   in residence with the Los Angeles Master Chorale in
         held in or around the beautiful Long Beach Convention   2020. He also served five years as composer in residence

         Center. No need to drive or take a shuttle anywhere.  at the University of Cambridge. His long-form work
           Our performance venues will include the 3,000-seat   The Sacred Veil, a profound meditation on love, life, and
         Terrace Theater and the 800-seat Beverly O’Neill The-  loss, was premiered by the Los Angeles Master Chorale
         ater, with interest sessions and exhibitions held in the   and released on Signum Records in 2020.
         Promenade and Grand Ballroom at the convention cen-
         ter, directly across the street from the conference hotels.

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