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March 2-5, 2022                                                               Long Beach, California

                      Clovis North High School                        First Congregational Church L.A.
                         Women’s Chorale                                         Laude

           The Clovis North Women’s Chorale comprises audi-
        tioned young women in grades 9-12. Their abilities and   Laude is the resident professional ensemble at First

        commitment are unified to grow together as an ensem- Congregational Church L.A. First Church strives to re-
        ble and as musicians. The Women’s Chorale has per- defi ne religion and the arts through inclusion, equity, and
        formed at the Pasadena WACDA convention in 2018,  diversity. Laude’s membership of business leaders, com-
        Command Performance concerts at CSUF, CASMEC,  posers, conductors, soloists, fi lm and stage actors, and
        Worldstrides Festival 1st place, Festival of Gold Encore  instrumentalists defi ne the robust chamber group, lend-
        Performance, and at Carnegie Hall in 2015, as well as  ing it noted fl exibility and strength. During quarantine
        other festivals.                                    Laude created hundreds of virtual recordings, presented
                                                            three stand-alone concerts, and recorded the premiere
                    Heather Bishop is the choir director and  of Patrick Cassidy’s choral/organ “The Mass,” available
                    performing arts department chair at Clo- on Supertrain Records.
                    vis North High School. She has served as
                    a resource teacher in CUSD, served ten             David Harris (DMA) specializes in new
                    years on the CCDA Board, served on the             music, American music, and the intricacies
        WACDA board, as well as several terms as the choral            of communication in singing, writing, and
        representative for FMCMEA. Bishop received her BM              conducting. He has premiered hundreds of
        from the UMKC Conservatory in piano performance.               pieces for vocal ensembles. He is an active
        She has received awards over her past 34 years of teach- performer and composer in L.A., is director of the pro-
        ing that include the Eunice Skinner Award, Teacher of  fessional ensemble Laude, the Ensemble Director for the
        the Year, and a district Crystal Innovator Award.   NEO Voice Festival, and has over 150 virtual choir per-
                                                            formances. He is the co-founder of VoiceScienceWorks
                                                            with Laurel Irene.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            125
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