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2022 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference

                                          In t e r est S
                                          Interest Sessionsessions

        about difficult topics. Let’s work to-  ability level and pedagogical needs   A New Approach to
        gether to begin to heal!           while empowering the choir to assist
                                           in programming choices.             Mandarin Chinese Lyric Diction
                    D'Walla Simmons-                                                  in Choral Music
                    Burke is the director  CJ Redden-Liotta is the clinician for
                    of choral and vocal  this session. His photo and bio are   This interest session presents a
                    studies at Winston-Sa-  on page 79.                      new approach to the Mandarin-Chi-
                    lem State University,                                    nese lyric diction in Chinese cho-
        where she conducts fi ve ensembles,                                   ral literature, using a method in a
        including the Grammy-nominat-                                        combination of the International
        ed Winston-Salem State University   Music for the High School Choir   Phonetic Alphabet System and the
        Choir. Her choirs have performed         that is Good Enough         Chinese Pin Yin System. It is de-

        with symphony orchestras around                                      signed specifically for non-native
        the world and are sought after for           for the Pros            Chinese-speaking singers and choral
        performances of masterworks, social                                  directors who wish to perform and
        justice, spirituals, and world musics.   We will explore some standard  program choral repertoire in Man-
        Simmons-Burke was a national con-  works, many available for free down-  darin Chinese and learn more about
        ductor for the 105 Voices of History  load, that will let your students really  lyric diction beyond the traditional
        Concert Choir for performances at  touch the hem of some great master  Western European lyric diction lan-
        the Kennedy Performing Arts Cen-   composers that are often forgotten in  guages.
        ter, the Grande Ole Opry, and in  our never-ending hunt for the new
        Nassau, Bahamas.                   great piece. They are here with us,  Pingyi Song is the clinician for this
                                           largely buried under heaps of music  session. Her photo and bio are on
                                           that is much less worthy of our col-  page 24.
                                           lective time.
              More than a “Treat” –
         Making Broadway, Pop, and Jazz               Richard Bjella is the
                                                      artistic director of the     Performing Together:
             a Part of Your Curriculum                San Antonio Cham-            Adding Instruments in

                                                      ber Choir. His 25-year
           What if you could integrate pop,           tenure at the Lawrence     Renaissance Choral Music
        jazz, and musical theatre repertoire  Conservatory of Music and eight
        into your entire program instead of  years at Texas Tech was punctuated   Renaissance choral music is ped-
        just one selection or concert? We can  with major performances at Carne-  agogically valuable and aesthetically
        teach transferrable skills to our sing-  gie Hall, Alice Tully Hall, Orches-  beautiful repertoire, but it is often
        ers while ensuring they know how to  tra Hall, TMEA, and two national  viewed today through a narrow per-
        sing in these styles with healthy tech-  ACDA Conference appearances.  formance practice lens. In reality,
        nique. During this session, we will  Bjella has presented workshops at  historical performance practices—

        explore selections from these genres  ACDA national and region confer-  specifically instrumental collabora-
        and show how proper vocal tech-    ences and at 450 festivals and work-  tions—can help make this repertoire
        nique for these styles can be applied  shops. He is a contributing writer for  accessible and exciting, taking the
        to our traditional concert repertoire.  The Oxford Handbook of  Choral Pedago-  music beyond its “acappella” tradi-
        We will also discuss how to choose  gy (2017).                       tion. This session will present guid-

        repertoire to best  fit your choir’s                                  ance for collaborating with modern

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