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2022 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference
Interest Sessionsessions
est S
McKenna Stenson is the clinician David Edmonds serves Helping Students
for this session. Her photo and bio as director of choral
are on page 77. studies at the Univer- of Any Age Match Pitch
sity of New Mexico,
where he conducts the This demonstration will address
Forgetting to Learn: UNM choirs and teaches gradu- the fundamental principles need-
ate and undergraduate conducting ed to teach any student at any age
How Cognitive Science Can and choral methods. Edmonds also how to vocally match pitch. It will
Improve Rehearsal Retention serves as the National ACDA Chair also provide techniques for those
of Student Activities. Edmonds ob- who have a basic ability to match
We need the tools of cognitive tained advanced degrees in conduct- pitch who desire to increase pitch
science to solve problems, keep our ing from the University of North accuracy and/or expand into sing-
students’ attention, and for skill Texas and Westminster Choir Col- ing harmony. This discussion will
building and conceptual learning. lege. His arrangements and compo- address strategies and methods in-
Together, we will examine “fl ow” sitions are published with Alliance, cluding: basics of vocal production
theory to find the sweet spot of Colla Voce, and MorningStar. and anatomy associated with pitch
rehearsal pacing, set achievable control, experimentation with vocal
goals, and feel in the zone. We will sounds of all kinds, micro-tuning,
also consider the principles of the and how to correctly choose devel-
Zeigarnik Effect, goal setting in re- opmentally appropriate exercises
hearsal, and the Forgetting Curve. that suit the students’ ranges and
Timothy Workman
was named director
of choral activities at
the University of Ar-
kansas-Fort Smith in
2017. He is a faculty member at
the international Harmony Uni-
versity each year, and is frequently
invited to be a guest clinician and
conductor with ensembles around
the country. He also enjoys a career
as a tenor and counter-tenor soloist.
He earned his BM and MM from
Brigham Young University, and his
DMA from the University of Texas
at Austin.
104 CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5