Page 105 - Jan.indd
P. 105
February 28 - March 3, 2022 Little Rock, Arkansas
Kevin Coker is the di- auditioned ensem- utive director of the professional
rector of choral Activ- bles and teaches vocal male vocal ensemble Cantus, re-
ities at the University methods courses and cording twelve CDs, participating
of Central Arkansas, voice lessons. Nelson in 200 educational outreach events,
where he conducts previously taught high and performing 500 concerts.
Concert Choir and the Cham- school choral music for 14 years
ber Singers and teaches courses in before attending Austin Peay State Cristina Castaldi is
conducting and choral literature. University in Clarksville, Tennes- assistant professor
Coker has 10 years of public-school see, to obtain his MM. His doctoral of voice at Wichita
teaching experience and has taught work was completed in 2019 at Tex- State University. As a
at the elementary, middle, and high as Tech University. lirico-spinto soprano, Castaldi has
school levels. He holds degrees from been described as “a rare talent.”
Belmont University, the Florida She specializes in bel canto, early
State University and the University Essential Somatics for Verdi, and verismo repertoire. She
of Cincinnati-College Conservato- is a fully certified Essential Somat-
ry of music and has studied con- Singers and Conductors ics Movement Teacher (a practice
ducting with Brett Scott, Earl Riv- based on the teachings of Thomas
ers, and André Thomas. Have you ever dealt with physi- Hanna and Moshé Feldenkrais).
cal pain while singing or conduct- She also has over twenty years of
ing, or simply felt that you could be yoga practice experiences.
using your body more eff ectively
Engaging the Entire Person
when making music? In the spirit of
in the Choral Rehearsal: physical and mental wellness, this
Body, Mind, and Soul session will explore the Essential Fixer Upper:
Somatics practice of body move- Lessons Learned from
This presentation, appropriate ment, the body/brain relationship, the Past Two Years
for any choral director, examines and its applications to singing and
strategies conductors can imple- conducting. Through interactive While the past two years have
ment to help ensure that all choris- movement patterns, attendees will presented unprecedented challeng-
ters are fully engaged in rehearsals. gain insight into their own physical es for choral singing, the time forced
Methods discussed include Weston habits and learn practical ways in creativity, innovation, and collabo-
Noble’s three modes of teaching which these discoveries can be im- ration that can be transformational
(cognitive, affective, and kinesthet- plemented in their own rehearsals, in our classroom environments. Re-
ic), Hermeneutical analysis, and lessons, and classrooms. verting back to what we know can
methods of score study. Participants be comforting, but this is the time
attending this session will gain Michael Hanawalt is to remember the things from our
awareness of their own thinking the director of grad- pandemic teaching that kept our
dispositions and leave with concrete uate choral studies at programs alive. Whether you are
examples of how they can more ful- the Florida State Uni- entering the teaching profession,
ly engage their singers in daily re- versity, where he con- moving to a new program, opening
hearsals. ducts the Chamber Choir, teaches a school, or reviving a choral pro-
graduate courses in conducting and gram, teachers will walk away from
Justin Nelson is the director of cho- choral literature, and serves as ar- this session ready to restore, recruit,
ral activities at Southern Arkansas tistic director for the Tallahassee and restructure.
University, where he conducts two Community Chorus. He was exec-
CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5 103