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2022 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference

                                                est S
                                          Interest Sessionsessions
        fessional development workshops for          We Are One:               We Can Tell the World Together:
        elementary and secondary general        Repertoire that Unifies         Understanding, Teaching, and

        music teachers.
                                                                               Programming Negro Spirituals
                                             The repertoire selections provided
                                           in this session emerged from a proj-
            Warm-ups with Intention:       ect during COVID-19 when perfor-    A pedagogical journey into the
                                           mance parameters were extremely   choral and solo arrangements of the
           Crafting a Warm-up Sequence
                                           limiting due to social distancing and   negro spiritual. This session will pres-
           that Caters to the Repertoire   safe singing. The repertoire has vary-  ent an in-depth look into the many

                                           ing levels of diffi  culty that  respond   stages, from early Slave Songs (1867)
           As choir directors, we constantly  to the following questions: 1) Does   to the Middle Period (1866-1927) to
        search for ways to set our singers up  it off er the singers and audience a   Modern Arrangers of today. The ses-
        for success. Exploring strategies for  perspective or sound scape to which   sion will cover: how to correctly iden-
        intentionally catering the warm-up  they may not have previously been   tify the many different spirituals and

        to the rehearsal plan, this session  exposed? 2) Does it share a themat-  differentiate the difference between a

        will discuss how to craft an eff ec-  ic idea shared universally regardless   spiritual and a gospel; a deeper un-
        tive warm-up sequence and identify  of culture, i.e., love, peace, hope? 3)   derstanding of developing the style,
        which types of warm-ups prepare  Does it involve a fresh instrumen-  vocal tone, and vocal infl ections; new
        choirs for various types of repertoire.  tal aspect? Each selection off ers  a   perspectives on programming choral
                                           unique element or elements that will   spirituals in the modern classroom.
                   Jacob Augsten is a fi rst-  challenge singers and broaden their
                   year DMA student at  perspectives in highly rewarding re-             Derrick Brookins  has
                   the University of North  hearsal and performance experienc-           served in choral mu-
                   Texas, where he serves  es.                                           sic education for more
                   as conducting associate                                               than 24 years. For thir-
        of the early music ensemble Vox Aq-           Christopher Haygood                teen years, Brookins
        uilae. Prior to graduate work, Aug-           serves the Michael     studied under and performed with
        sten taught public school for three           and Anne Greenwood     world-renowned choral musician
        years in the Metro Atlanta area.              School of Music as in-  Moses Hogan. Brookins has present-
        During this time, his choirs received         terim director of Cho-  ed several educational workshops for
        superior ratings in performance and  ral and Vocal Studies. Haygood has   the Texas Choral Directors Associa-
        sight-reading at Large Group Perfor-  conducted choirs across the United   tion, Texas MEA, Southwestern and
        mance Evaluation, and awards from  States, Europe, Asia, Australia, and   National ACDA.
        multiple festivals and competitions  New Zealand. He has prepared
        throughout the state of Georgia.   choruses for collaborations with              Stacey V.  Gibbs is a
                                           Helmuth Rilling, The Tonight Show,            composer, arranger, and
                                           Andrea Bocelli, and Jennifer Hud-             clinician. Best known
                                           son. Haygood was named a Sigma                for arrangements of
                                           Alpha Iota National Arts Associate,           spirituals, he currently
                                           OSU Distinguished Music Professor,   has over 80 published arrangements
                                           and Phi Kappa Lamba Outstanding   available for SATB, SSAA, and
                                           Graduate from the USC Thornton    TTBB voices. His music was featured
                                           School of Music.                  at the 57th Inaugural Service for

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