Page 115 - Jan.indd
P. 115
February 28 - March 3, 2022 Little Rock, Arkansas
President Barack Obama. He will sity, Southern Methodist explore diversity, equity, and inclu-
conduct the Chicago Sings Festival University and received sivity in each concert. By developing
in April 2022. Gibbs serves as clini- her DMA from the Uni- a comprehensive programming phi-
cian (nationally and internationally) versity of North Texas. losophy, conductors will create pur-
for university, high school, profes- On the concert stage, poseful concerts that engage singers
sional, and church choral ensembles. Mott has been heard at the Round and audience members, as well as
Top Music Festival as the soprano ensuring diversity, equity, and inclu-
Melody Gamblin-Bull- soloist in a performance of Beetho- sivity within their repertoire and re-
ock is the director of ven’s 9th Symphony. Mott currently hearsal pedagogy.
choral activities at Dal- serves as an assistant professor and
las College, director of coordinator of voice at Prairie View C. Michael Porter is
the Brookhaven Choral A&M University. In addition, Mott an associate professor
Society, and artistic director of the has a thriving studio in Dallas, TX. of music and director
Spirituals Renaissance Chorale; and of choral activities at
has conducted and performed in in- Boise State University.
ternational choral performances in Your Programming Philosophy: Porter also serves on the editorial
Europe, Asia, and South America. board for the Choral Journal and is
She developed a Sight-reading Ini- A Blueprint for the NWACDA Collegiate/Universi-
tiative for the Dallas Independent More Inclusive Concerts ty R&R Coordinator. He contributes
School District, and remains in de- frequently to the Choral Journal’s Re-
mand as a consultant, in-service cli- This presentation will provide corded Sound Review Column and
nician and adjudicator throughout methods for crafting a programming to the Choral Scholar’s Score Review
the Southwestern Region. philosophy that is an extension of a feature. Porter received his DMA
conductor’s educational philosophy; from the University of Iowa and his
Jammieca Denise Mott, soprano, is fits the identity and mission of their BM and MM from Truman State
a graduate of Jackson State Univer- ensemble; and provides an avenue to University.
Southwestern Region Registration Information
Register at
Early Registration ends 11:59 pm CST January 31, 2022
Attendee $295 Retired $240 Student $135
Registration after 11:59 pm CST January 31, 2022
Attendee $315 Retired $260 Student $135
On-site Registration
One Day $150 (only available on-site)
CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5 113