Page 113 - Jan.indd
P. 113

February 28 - March 3, 2022                                                Little Rock, Arkansas

               Using Popular Music         both virtual and in-person settings to  the topic. In 2020, Menon received

                 to Help Students          ensure students have opportunities  the Texas Choral Director’s Associ-
                                           to express themselves, work collabo-  ation’s Young Director of Disctinc-
                 "Find Their Voices"       ratively, and further develop as inde-  tion.
                                           pendent musicians.
           This interactive session will de-                                             Julie Derges  teaches
        scribe how to set up collaborative            Saleel Menon is a grad-            undergraduate courses
        small-group projects with clear ex-           uate choral conducting             in elementary and sec-
        pectations and share video examples           student at Michigan                ondary general music
        from the presenter’s own classrooms.          State University. Prior            methods and graduate
        He will also describe and model ex-           to his work there, he  courses in music education research
        ercises that choir teachers can use  was a choir director at Ridge Point  and pedagogy. Originally from cen-
        to develop students’ aural skills and  High School in Houston, Texas.  tral Illinois, she earned her BME-
        musical independence prior to be-  Specializing in non-traditional cho-  from the University of Illinois at Ur-
        ginning small-group work to help  ral pedagogy, Menon co-authored  bana-Champaign and her master’s
        set them up for success. Finally, he  an article published in the Music Ed-  and doctoral degrees at Michigan
        will provide strategies for monitoring  ucation Journal on popular music in  State University.  Derges is an active
        and facilitating these small groups in  2019, and presents at conferences on  clinician and regularly provides pro-

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            111
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