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2022 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference

                                          Interest Sessionsessions
                                                est S
               Then Sings My Soul:             Thinking Outside the Box:     the direction of Womack have per-
                                                                             formed for regional and national
            Provoking Meaning through            Why Creative Concert
                                                                             conventions of ACDA and NAfME.
             a More Rhetorical Choral            Programming Matters         In addition, Womack has presented
               Presence in Worship                                           workshops and lectures for ACDA
                                             Today’s audiences are eager for  and NAfME. He currently serves
           The purpose of this session is to  an immersive concert experience  as the ACDA National R&R Chair
        explore how church choirs can use  that challenges every sense. In this  for High School Choirs. He holds a
        rhetoric to provoke a more dynam-  session, we will talk about how to  DMA from the University of South
        ic presence in worship. We need to  marry sight, sound, and space to en-  Carolina.
        give meaning to the music through  gage new audiences, and a method
        the text we sing, creating a kind of  for assembling a multi-dimensional
        “high definition” approach to choral  performance.                             Tuning Together

        singing. We will look at the vocabu-
        lary, grammar, and syntax, and how  Sam Brukhman will be the clinician            as One
        the author’s style of writing can pro-  for this session. His photo and bio
        voke meaning, gesture, and rhetoric.  are on page 90.                  Just Intonation (an approach

        Specific takeaways will include prac-                                 where notes are tuned to the natural
        tical rehearsal techniques that can                                  overtones of the voice, rather than a
        be used with church choral singers          Togetherness!            tempered instrument, such as the pi-
        to enhance rhetorical singing.                                       ano) is a useful tool in optimizing the
                                                Achieving an Excellent       vocal resonance in, and enhancing

                    Charles Hausmann has         Unified Choral Sound        the intonation of, unaccompanied
                    served as professor of                                   choral music. This interest session
                    choral studies at the    Many choral conductors’ prima-  will demonstrate how easy it is to
                    University of Hous-    ry goal is to achieve a unifi ed sound  teach Just Intonation in rehearsals–
                    ton’s Moores School of  within their ensemble. Students in  without all the math! Delegates will
        Music since 1985, where he has also  elementary, secondary, and colle-  leave this session having experienced
        served as director of choral studies.  giate ensembles often times hear the  an intuitive, easy-to-use pedagogical
        As director emeritus of the Houston  word “blend” but are not able to  approach, and strategies to use in re-
        Symphony Chorus, Hausmann pre-     relate this term in the everyday cho-  hearsals with their own choirs.
        pared and conducted more than 800  ral rehearsal. This presentation will
        concerts, collaborating with many of  off er an extremely concise look into  Andrew Withington is the clinician
        the world’s leading conductors in the  the subject of how to develop a uni-  for this session. His photo and bio
        United States, Mexico, and Europe.  fi ed, healthy, and artistic vocal tone  are on page 52.
        Also a career church musician, he is  in any choral ensemble regardless of
        currently director of traditional mu-  size, age, and skill level.   The Memorial High School Varsity
        sic at Memorial Drive Presbyterian                                   Treble Choir, conducted by Law-
        Church, Houston.                              Damion Womack cur-     rence Johnson, is the deomstration
                                                      rently serves as assis-  choir for this session. Their photos
                                                      tant professor of music  and bios are on page 94.
                                                      and director of choral
                                                      activities at Mississippi
                                           College. Choral ensembles under

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