Page 107 - Jan.indd
P. 107

February 28 - March 3, 2022                                                Little Rock, Arkansas

            Holistic Wellness Practices:   and serves as the executive director   Identifying the Change…
               Build and Maintain a        of the St. Louis Christmas Carols      Now Unifying the Sound
                                           Association. Hogan sings Alto II in
             Thriving Choral Program       mirabai, a professional women’s cho-
                                           ral ensemble. She earned her PhD in   Developing a solid, beautiful tone
           Life throws challenging and  Learning Teaching and Curriculum  is always a goal of an excellent choir
        changing circumstances at each of  from the University of Missouri, MM  director. Regardless of gender, this
        us, educators and students alike.  As  from Michigan State University, her  can be a challenge when working
        we build multi-year relationships  BS from the University of Missouri,  with the changing adolescent voice.
        with our students, conductor-teach-  and her Artist Teacher Certifi cate  We will discuss strategies for both
        ers have a special opportunity to  through the Choral Music Experi- the male and female voice. We will
        both model and directly teach skills  ence Institute.                discuss which methods can bring im-
        that empower our students to live                                    mediate results and which ones will
        balanced, happy, and fulfi lling                                      realistically be long term.
        lives. This session will present re-
        searched-backed strategies for nav-       Honoring Trans and                     John Wayman is assis-
        igating mental, physical, and emo-     Gender-Expansive Singers                  tant professor of choral
        tional health needs in the choral                                                music education at the
        classroom using holistic and inte-   Trans   and    gender-expansive             University of Texas at
        grated approaches to wellness and  (TGE) singers deserve safe and                Arlington, where he
        social emotional learning. These  empowering spaces to engage in  guides the future choral music edu-
        strategies will address student re-  high-quality choral music experienc- cators and conducts the University
        cruitment and retention, as well as  es. Drawing from their new Oxford  Singers. As an adjudicator and clini-
        teacher retention and burnout.     University Press book, Honoring Trans  cian, he regularly works with school
                                           and Gender-Expansive Students in Music  music programs and directs honor
                    Ryan Beeken serves as  Education, the presenters will provide  choirs throughout the nation. Way-
                    director of choral ac-  context and practical suggestions for  man received the 2019 Sunrise Ro-
                    tivities at Wichita State  working with students who inhabit a  tary Professor of the Year Award for
                    University, where he  variety of spaces among gender-iden- the College of Liberal Arts.
                    conducts the Concert  tity and gender expression continu-
        Chorale and Madrigal Singers and  ums. Choral director-educators will
        teaches graduate and undergraduate  have opportunities to refl ect on their   Intentional Choral Warm-Ups:
        choral conducting and literature. He  own choral settings, engage in a dis-
        received bachelor’s degrees in music  cussion of policies, consider instruc-   Skill Building
        education and vocal performance  tional strategies, and practice healthy    and Accountability
        from Drake University and grad-    group vocal techniques that will hon-
        uate degrees from Michigan State  or singers from all age groups.      The primary  objective of this
        University. Beeken’s choirs have per-                                session is for middle school and high
        formed at state, region, and national  Matthew L. Garrett is a clinician for  school choral directors to return  to
        ACDA conferences.                  this session. His photo and bio are on  their home schools and reinvent  their
                                           page 46.                          current warm-up routine. Warm-up
                   Elizabeth Hogan  is                                       exercises should be treated akin to
                   interim director of  Joshua Palkki  is a clinician for this  repertoire rehearsals via constant as-
                   choirs at Washington  session. His photo and bio are on  sessment, immediate feedback, and

                   University in St. Louis,  page 47.                        effective solutions. Consequently,
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