Page 111 - Jan.indd
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February 28 - March 3, 2022                                                Little Rock, Arkansas

        instruments, will offer practical ex-  rently, he is completing a DMA at   poser, Crocker’s works have been

        amples of accessible repertoire, and  the University of North Texas. He   performed worldwide.
        will provide guidance on coaching  is currently a national semi-fi nalist
        instrumentalists to play in a vocal  in the College Division of Con-
        style. For small choirs with limited  ducting for the American Prize. He
        numbers of tenors/basses, this can  holds an MM from Michigan State        Ten Keys to Unlocking
        be an excellent way to approach this  University and a BME from Baylor   Artistic Choral Performances
        repertoire.                        University.
                                                                               This session will explore a multi-
        Brian A. Schmidt is the clinician for                                tude of ways to improve the artist-
        this session. His photo and bio are        Sound Patterns            ry of choral performances. Issues to
        on page 91.                                                          be addressed include melodic shape
                                                for Changing Voices -
                                                                             and phrasing, choosing and inter-
                                              Sequential Sight-Reading       preting texts, conducting gesture and
                                               in the Choral Classroom       artistry, tone color, movement, artic-
               Seven Essentials for
                                                                             ulation and dynamics, the teacher
            Developing Voices in Choir       Imagine: learning to sight read   as first artist and the impact of in-

                                           while having fun! Adolescent sing-  terpersonal relationships on artistry.
           Vocal technique is a critical part  ers with maturing voices will grasp   Participants will receive a generous
        of choral artistry. Without proper  concepts quickly while singing “real   resource packet containing concept
        technique, musical nuance suff ers,  music” from Day One. This step-  and principle illustrations, a vari-
        and the fi nal performance, however  by-step method builds success upon   ety of tried-and-true rehearsal tips
        engaging, leaves audiences desiring  success—the best motivation of   and strategies, conducting tips, and
        more. As many students’ only voice  all—with songs, accompaniments,   more.
        instructor, choir directors are tasked  and preparatory exercises that are
        with building healthy vocalism in  interesting, authentic, and  fl exible        Frank F. Eychaner is
        each singer. However, many teach-  based on the sound patterns that             an internationally rec-
        ers lack the vocal pedagogy training  form the foundations of music.            ognized     conductor,

        necessary for such a role. This ses-  Techniques and materials for SA,          teacher, and clinician.
        sion offers conductor-teachers tools  TB, and SAB choirs will be pre-            He is director of cho-

        to build effi  cient  phonation  within  sented.                       ral and vocal activities, department
        singers of all ages to achieve refi ned                               chair, and holds the Kathlyn Co-
        tone quality that enhances the en-            Emily Crocker  taught   sper Dunagan Endowed Fellowship
        semble’s   innate   musicianship.             public school music at   in the Humanities at the Universi-
                                                      all levels for 15 years   ty of Texas Permian Basin. He has
                    Francis Cathlina is a             in Texas. In 1989 she   conducted 40 honor choirs across
                    Vietnamese-American               joined Hal Leonard,    the United States, Cuba, Korea and
                    conductor and the vis-  becoming VP of Choral Publica-   Mexico. Eychaner authored “Foun-
                    iting director of choral  tions in 2000, retiring in 2017 after   dations of Conducting Technique”
                    activities and assistant  29 years. She was founder/direc-  published with GIA. He has present-
        professor at the University of Mem-  tor of the Milwaukee Children’s   ed over 120 interest sessions around
        phis. He directs the University Sing-  Choir (1994-2009) and named Di-  the world.
        ers and the Treble or Tenor-Bass  rector Emeritus in 2019 and was
        Choir and teaches undergraduate  founder/director of the Vocal Arts
        and graduate conducting. Concur-   Academy (2009-2015). As a com-

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