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Book Reviews
                                                            Book Reviews

        welcome alternative to our consum-  the arts and smart, eff ective  busi-  as it brings together local high
        erist and individualistic society. The   ness practices.             school singers with senior citizens
        next chapter contains case studies   As one might expect, singing    in “greeting, sharing, singing to-
        of music in the service of wholeness   and choirs  fi gure  prominently   gether and socializing result[ing]
        and well-being, both physical and   among these real-world case studies   in a multidimensional experience
        mental; as an example, included is   throughout the book. These range   of socio-relational development,
        a study of Singing For Breathing, a   from prison choruses, “conven-  [the] robust physical and mental
        group working in London hospitals   tional” community chorus models,   activity of singing/learning, and
        using singing as physiotherapy for   First Nations drum circles, singing   the aesthetic-cognitive processes of
        those with chronic lung disease. In   programmes for new immigrant   combining text and music for all

        the final chapters, current research   children, and many others. No mat-  participants in a mutually benefi cial
        strategies and methods employed    ter their perspective, the reader is   manner.” (p. 121)

        by community music advocates are   likely to find a point of intersection   Engaging in Community Music could
        discussed (including the unique dif-  and inspiration in one or several of   serve as a primary text in this bur-

        ferences in research and practice   these singing entities.          geoning field, or as a supplemental
        methodologies in community mu-       This reviewer found the work    resource text in a choral methods
        sic making), and the author shares   of The Intergenerational Choir   course. It is an eye-opening and
        great models of the intersection of   (London, ON) to be one of these,   thoroughly enlivening introduction
                                                                             to the possibilities of music’s ability
                                                                             to “reach the whole person” (p. 92),
                                                                             including those in our communities
                                                                             and in our care, and for this we are
                Hold your own.                                                 Ian Loeppky

                                                                               Florence, Alabama

                                                                             Julian Anderson:
                                                                             Dialogues on Listening,
                                                                             Composing and Culture
                                                                             Julian Anderson and
                                                                             Christopher Dingle,
                                                                             The Boydell Press, 2020
                                                                             458 pp. (hardcover), $80.00,
                                                                             ebook $24.99

                                                                               Christopher Dingle skillfully asks
               martly designed and                                           questions, which elicit both subtle
            S sturdily constructed, our folders are the choice of more       and profound responses from Julian
            than half a million musicians worldwide. Available configured with

            rings, retaining cords, both or none – for singers, conductors and   Anderson in this interview book.
            instrumentalists. Check out our website, then get hold of yours today.  The format is mainly one of bi-
                                                                             ographical sketches combined with
                                                    Toll-free: 1.877.246.7253   the composer’s discussion of his
                                                    Tel. & Fax: +1 604.733.3995  own work.
                                                                               Anderson, born in 1967, is much

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