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2024 ACDA Southern Region Conference                               February 21-24, 2024                                       Louisville, Kentucky

                       Belmont University                   mative experience of ancient chant; festive hymns for
                          The Pitchmen                      voices, brass, and handbells; original compositions by
                                                            Benedict Sheehan; congregational anthems written by
                                                            Dan Forrest and Tony Silvestri; and music and texts
                                                            from  myriad traditions. Pianist/composer  Dan  For-
                                                            rest, The Chancel Choir of Christ Church UMC, the
                                                            Bronze  Ringers  of  Floyd  Central  (IN)  High  School,
                                                            and professional ensemble Artefact lead our worship.

                                                                           Artefact Ensemble

           The Pitchmen are Belmont  University’s  all-male-
        identifying a cappella group from Nashville, Tennes-
        see. From their debut album, Ultraviolet, to becoming
        the 2023 ICCA Champions and taking home numer-
        ous awards for outstanding soloists, outstanding chore-
        ography, and outstanding vocal percussion throughout
        the competition season, the student-run group prides
        themselves on singing a broad range of music that of-
        fers something different for each and every audience
        member  to  enjoy. This year, every group member
        comes from a diverse background and brings with them   Artefact Ensemble brings together leading vocal art-
        an array of unique talents and perspectives. The group   ists from around the country to craft immersive experi-
        sets high standards for the character of their members   ences of human connection through the transforming
        and is known for the welcoming atmosphere they strive   power of song. Partnering with schools, community or-
        to create.                                          ganizations, and religious institutions, Artefact Ensem-
                                                            ble—in collaboration with its sister organization, Ar-
                                                            tefact  Institute—offers  workshops,  masterclasses,  and
                                                            co-operative music-making  experiences  to students,
                       Worship Experience                   teachers of music, music ministers, and underprivi-
                                                            leged audiences who might not otherwise have access
                                                            to  high-level  ensemble  music.  In  2021,  Artefact  was
                 Under the Firmament of Heaven:             featured at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New
                        A Creation Service                  York, performing the world premiere of Arvo Pärt’s O

                                                            Holy Father Nicholas.
           In  the  resplendent  Cathedral  of  the  Assumption,
        our worship  experience  explores ancient stories and           Benedict Sheehan is a two-time Gram-
        themes of creation, fallen humanity, and ultimate re-           my nominee and American Prize winner.
        demption through God’s vision for a community con-              He has been called “a choral conductor
        nected by divine love. The worship design team, led             and composer to watch in the 21st centu-
        by composer/creators Benedict and Talia Sheehan and             ry” (ConcertoNet). He is artistic director
        lyricist/poet Tony Silvestri, has developed a transfor-  and founder of Artefact Ensemble and the Grammy-

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                                                                                       Volume 64  Number 5            65
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