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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                                                        February 28 - March 2, 2024                                        Providence, Rhode Island

                                  Interest Sessions
                                        est S
        and community  members. We will explore how  the                Timothy  Little Tr`ân is the  director  of
        participatory, liberatory, and inclusive  nature  of the        choral studies at Slippery Rock Univer-
        aural-oral framework for teaching and learning can be           sity. Prior  to  SRU he was executive  di-
        experienced, understood, valued, and centered in mu-            rector and professor of choral music at
        sic classrooms. We will also explore important issues of        Notre Dame College. Little Trần has also
        ownership and the intersection of race and teaching in   worked  in the  arts  at  Oberlin  Conservatory,  Louisi-
        this great art form.                                ana State University, Interlochen Arts Academy, and
                                                            School of Creative and Performing  Arts-Manhattan.
                    Whitney Covalle is a singer, researcher,   He holds a DMA in choral conducting from the Uni-
                    and choral music educator. Her research   versity of Washington, an MM in choral conducting
                    focuses on music education  in the  city,   and literature from Louisiana State University, and a
                    the  aural-oral  tradition,  and the  inter-  BM with vocal and music education studies from the
                    section of race and teaching music. Her   Shenandoah Conservatory.
        dissertation research on Philadelphia experts teaching
        Black Gospel music was recently published in Bulletin
        of  the Council for Research in Music Education (2022). She
        is a postdoctoral teaching and learning fellow in mu-             The Unbounded Voice:
        sic education at Montclair State University. She was a   An Exploration into Finnish Vocal Folk Traditions
        choir director in public schools and community music
        organizations in urban settings for seventeen years, pri-  This session will focus on elements of Finnish cho-
        marily in Chicago at Jones College Prep High School   ral tradition from “kelkyttely” to “kyylaus,” cattle-calls,
        and Chicago Children’s Choir.                       and healthy chest voice. Participants will explore holis-
                                                            tic, instrument-like sound creation, Finnish vowels, and
                                                            extended vocal ranges. Participants will also experiment
                                                            with the limit(lessness) of vocal dynamics and percus-
               Teaching the Voice through Empathy:          sive consonants, and vocal improvisation. Participants
                    Laban Movement Analysis                 will walk away with flexible repertoire options, resourc-
                                                            es and connections with Finnish choral composers and
                                                            choral professionals, Finnish diction guide, experiences
           This session provides a framework for teaching cho-  of exploring their own vocal potential, and tools to fur-
        ral pedagogies to culturally, ethnically, and artistically   ther explore the emotional palette of their choirs.
        diverse singers through interaction  with a live  choir.
        Participants  will  employ Laban  Movement  Analysis            Riikka Pietiläinen Caffrey is an associate
        (LMA) to explore gesture, meaning, and communica-               professor of the practice and director of
        tion  through a study of conducting  techniques. Par-           choral and vocal performance at Boston
        ticipants  will  focus  on  specific  skills  that  produce  ar-  College. She is a native Finn and holds
        tistic empathy, convey musical imagination, and evoke           degrees in choral conducting from Uni-
        sound  and its related  vocal technique intentionally.   versity of Colorado, Boulder, and jazz performance
        Session outcomes include assessing/classifying/execut-  from the City College of New York. Her research is
        ing movement through LMA; analyzing the physical    focused on holistic choral  pedagogy, challenging  pa-
        sensations of singing and breathing to an awareness of   triarchal narratives in  music,  and cross-disciplinary
        physical gestures; and applying performance practice   collaborations. She is an active conductor, soloist, and
        congruent with all genres, cultures, and learning styles.  vocal coach, and frequently works as a clinician and

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