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2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference                                                        February 28 - March 2, 2024                                        Providence, Rhode Island

                                  Interest Sessions
                                  In t er est S essions

                        Why Words Matter                                Judith Clurman is  the  music director
                                                                        of Essential Voices USA and The Sym-
           This session explores the dynamics of the choral ex-         phony Singers and teaches voice and en-
        perience, particularly focusing on the power of words           semble voice at The Manhattan School
        to impart meaning and to be a bridge between the in-            of Music.  She was  director of choral
        dividual singer, the ensemble, and the audience. The   activities at The Juilliard School (1989-2007) and was
        ways of analyzing, rehearsing, teaching, and perform-  the vocal specialist at the NEA/Columbia University
        ing text will be the session’s main pedagogical focus.   Institute  of Classical Music.  She  previously  directed
        There will be communal singing, a discussion of rel-  The New York Concert Singers and has worked with
        evant repertoire and new approaches to programming,   many  of  the  world’s  finest  symphonies  at  Carnegie
        based on musical elements  and dramatic values. We   Hall and Lincoln Center. She has received two Emmy
        will introduce specific works as models to study music   nominations and conducted her chorus on a Grammy-
        whose texts will inspire singers to get involved in con-  nominated  CD. Clurman  edits two choral series for
        fronting the challenges of the world. Scores and texts   Hal Leonard.
        will be provided.

                                  2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference

                                  R&R S   essions
                                  R&R Sessions

                  Children and Community Youth                            College and University

                    Leave the Score at the Door                         Music from the Ring of Fire

           Participants will have the opportunity to learn four   This session will highlight SATB choral music from
        pieces of music in styles traditionally taught through   countries situated on the Pacific Ring of Fire, a path of
        oral/aural tradition. While scores and recordings will   active volcanoes and earthquake sites along the edges
        be available as reference materials, rehearsal and teach-  of the Pacific Ocean. This session will take a deep dive
        ing will highlight techniques and context for the music,   into lesser-known music from the western coast of Latin
        performance practice, and pedagogical tools specific to   America and Asian  and Oceanic islands  and explore
        learning music in this style. Expect multiple languages   the backgrounds of these pieces and pedagogical tools
        and a few new dance moves to add to your repertoire.   necessary  for teaching them. This  music  is  accessible,
                                                            beautiful, and an important addition to our collegiate,
        Kendra Balmer and Diana Sáez, presenters            community, and advanced high school music programs.

                                                            Rachel Carlson, presenter

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