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From the                                                                     NATIONAL OFFICERS

        President                                                              PRESIDENT

                                                                                  DAVID FRYLING
                             January—named after Janus, the Roman god of be-
                           ginnings, transitions, time, choices, and doorways/pas-  VICE PRESIDENT
                           sageways—is the perfect month to start planning your      EDITH COPLEY
                           personal schedules for the 2024 region conferences.
                             ACDA  conferences  are  wonderful  opportunities   PRESIDENT-ELECT
                           to make much-needed space in our often hectic work      PEARL SHANGKUAN
          David Fryling    schedules for reflection and inspiration. They provide
                           important spaces to observe best practices and learn
       from cutting-edge research. And they allow us to connect with each other   SECRETARY/TREASURER
       in myriad significant ways. Never attended a conference, or are wavering on      TOM MERRILL
       whether you have the time to fit one in your schedule? Here are three reasons
       why you cannot afford not to attend:                                    PAST PRESIDENT

       Reconnect with old friends and colleagues while meeting new ones           ANDRÉ THOMAS
          While video conference technology has on the whole been a force for good
       in the pursuit of trans-global human connection, nothing beats in-person   EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
       connection. Being in a space with other people who are passionate about      ROBYN HILGER
       choral music allows us to resonate, literally and metaphorically, with each
       other. And there’s simply no better way to expand your social network than   NATIONAL R&R CHAIR
       by tagging along to lunch or dinner (or the bar) with your friend’s group of      GRETCHEN HARRISON
       friends to discuss a particularly engaging concert or interest session.

       Learn from experts in our field, exploring new ways to approach         EASTERN REGION PRESIDENT
       what we do                                                                 CHRISTOPHER KIVER
          Though the act of singing is as ancient as human civilization, we continue
       to learn from it and about it. From new social dimensions of community   MIDWESTERN REGION PRESIDENT
       music making to the deep reservoir of non-Eurocentric traditions, and from      DAVID PUDERBAUGH
       Bingen to Bach to Burleigh, conferences bring together scholars, teachers,
       activists, and thought-leaders who challenge our status quo and encourage
       us to grow.                                                             NORTHWESTERN REGION PRESIDENT
                                                                                   STEVE ZIELKE
       Hear new music and new ways of musicking                         
          Nothing can replace the experience of hearing mountaintop choral con-
       certs in magnificent conference venues. And nearly every truly revelatory   SOUTHERN REGION PRESIDENT
       experience I have had regarding what “choir” could be has occurred at an      STANLEY ROBERTS
       ACDA conference.
          On behalf of all of our membership, I want to extend a heartfelt thank   SOUTHWESTERN REGION PRESIDENT
       you—and congratulations!—to our six region presidents and their confer-     JEFFREY A. MURDOCK
       ence  planning committees:  Christopher  Kiver, Eastern Region  President;
       David  Puderbaugh,  Midwestern  Region  President;  Steven  Zielke,  North-  WESTERN REGION PRESIDENT
       western  Region  President;  Stanley  Roberts,  Southern  Region  President;          MICHAEL SHORT
       Jeffrey Murdock, Southwestern Region President; and Michael Short, West-
       ern Region President.
          Please consider joining them and so many others at your upcoming region   INDUSTRY ASSOCIATE REPRESENTATIVE
       conference. I hope to see you at the conference!                           OLIVER SCOFIELD
                                                                                  KI Concerts
        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2024                          Volume 64  Number 5            3
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