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2022 ACDA Southwestern Region Conference

                                          Invited ChoirsChoirs

                     Arkansas Tech University                          Batesville Junior High School
                           Choral Artists                                         Choir

           Since 1910, the choirs at Arkansas Tech University
        have been a thriving place for singing. Alumni of this   The choral program at Batesville Junior High is a
        program have gone on to teach in some of Arkansas’  fast-growing and exciting place to be. Located in rural
        strong vocal music programs. The ATU Choral Artists  Arkansas 80 miles north of Little Rock, this program
        appeared at the NCCO conference and will perform  is a beacon of engagement and opportunity for young
        the 2022 Raymond Brock Commission “Stopping by  students. The choirs at Batesville Junior High have con-
        Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Ēriks Ešenvalds.       sistently earned high ratings at choral assessment events.

                    Christopher H. Harris, native of Fort              Alicia  and Noah Davidson are Arkansas
                    Worth, Texas, is a music educator, con-            natives and alumni of the University of
                    ductor, performer, and choral composer.            Central Arkansas. Now in her fourth year
                    He received his PhD in choral music ed-            in the Batesville School District, Alicia Da-
                    ucation from the Florida State University,         vidson teaches 6-12 vocal music and AP
        his MA from Ithaca College, and his BME from Texas             Music Theory. Noah Davidson also teach-
        Southern University. Prior to entering graduate school,        es 6-8 vocal music and leads the second-
        Harris enjoyed several years of successful public school       ary string program. They live in Batesville,
        teaching in Houston, Texas, and served as the assistant        AR, with their daughter, Esther.
        director for the Houston Ebony Opera Guild.

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