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February 28 - March 3, 2022                                                Little Rock, Arkansas

                       Harrison High School                                 Houston Boychoir
                          Chamber Choir                                       Chamber Choir

           Located in rural northwest Arkansas, the Harrison
        High School choral program has long been recognized
        as a model of musical excellence and a place of respect
        for all people. The choirs at Harrison HS have consis-
        tently earned superior ratings at regional and statewide
        choral assessment events. Choirs from Harrison have   Since 1962, Houston Boychoir has set the level of
        also traveled widely across the country to perform and  excellence for artistic achievement and educational out-
        share their love of choral music.                   comes in children’s performing ensembles. HBC is the
                                                            only program of its kind to reach out to the population
                    Michael Crouch has led the Harrison HS  of the inner city and the outlying regions, melding the
                    choral program since 1990. He is an alum-  unique aspects of both constituents. Houston Boychoir’s
                    nus of the University of Central Arkansas.  multi-tiered program cares for boys’ development from
                    Crouch is a sought-after choral adjudica-  childhood to manhood. It is a place where boys create
                    tors in Arkansas. In addition to his teach-  lifelong friendships and a sense of community.
        ing, he also serves as worship pastor at Real Ministries
        Church in Harrison, AR.                                        Carole Nelson was on the faculty of the
                                                                       music department at the Houston High
                                                                       School for the Performing and Visual Arts
                                                                       for 25 years as a choir director. She has
                                                                       prepared choirs for work with the Hous-
                                                            ton Symphony Orchestra, Houston Grand Opera, the
                                                            orchestra and opera program of the Moores School of
                                                            Music, Opera in the Heights and the Houston Bach
                                                            Society. Prepared works include: Orff ’s Carmina Burana,
                                                            Boito’s Mephistopholes, Bizet’s Carmen, Puccini’s La Boheme,
                                                            and both of Mahler’s Choral Symphonies, No. 2 and
                                                            No. 8.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            89
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