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2022 ACDA Southern Region Conference

                                    P e r f
                                    Performing Choirsorming Choirs

                      Coral Reef High School                               Cordova High School

                           Rose Singers                                      Concert Singers

          The Rose Singers, named in memory of the  fi rst
        director John Rose, is the top vocal ensemble at Coral   The award-winning Concert Singers is the advanced
        Reef Senior High. Shanpatrick Davis took over the pro-  auditioned ensemble of the choral program at Cordova
        gram in 2015, continuing the rich choral tradition. The  High School. Each student must maintain a C average
        choir has excelled, earning superior ratings on the Dis-  in all classes in order to perform with this ensemble. The
        trict and State levels since 1997 and performed at South-  singers continuously receive excellent and superior rat-
        ern ACDA (2004). The Rose Singers performs various  ings at local and national festivals. The singers reached
        styles of music ranging from Classical to African Amer-  national acclaim with over 7 million views for their Face-
        ican spirituals. The chorus program at Coral Reef High  book tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., performing
        is unique, having performed full productions of operas,  Nathan Carter’s arrangement of “If I Can Help Some-
        musical, and large classical works.                 body.” The singers are continuously in demand for per-
                                                            formance; they made their Carnegie Hall debut in 2018.
                    Shanpatrick Davis is the director of the
                    choral activities at Coral Reef Senior High        Adrian L. Maclin earned his BM at Philan-
                    School. He has taught for 20 years, gaining        der Smith College. Maclin began his teach-
                    credibility as a choral director, clinician,       ing career in 2007, and for the last eight
                    and adjudicator. His choirs have consis-           years has served the students at Cordova
        tently received Superior ratings on both the District and      High in the Shelby County School district.
        State level; they have been highly requested to sing in   He serves on the district’s music leadership team, is the
        the community, performing with Gloria Estefan, John   president-elect for the West Tennessee Vocal MEA, and
        Secada, King Singers, and Seraphic Fire. Davis’s choirs   is the Youth R&R Coordinator for the Tennessee Chap-
        have won National awards and have been featured per-  ter of ACDA. For the last 20 years, Maclin has served as
        formances at the FMEA Conference (2007, 2015) and   the minister of music for the Mount Moriah-East Bap-
        FLACDA Conference (2016). He holds degrees from     tist Church. Maclin was recognized by the Country Mu-
        Palm Beach Atlantic University (BA) and the Florida   sic Association Foundation as one of their 2020 Music
        State University (MME).                             Teachers of Excellence.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            65
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