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2022 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference
Performing Choirsorming Choirs
University of Montana Vallivue High School
Chamber Chorale Advanced Women’s Choir
The University of Montana Chamber Chorale seeks Vallivue High School Advanced Women’s Choir is
to embed commitment to underrepresented composers composed of 50 singers ranging from sophomores to se-
in every program, performing the historic canon while niors. This ensemble sets the goal each year to take the
promoting ethically sourced and previously overlooked next step toward growth as musicians and as humans.
repertoire. The ensemble prioritizes outreach to rural They cultivate a community of acceptance and care,
areas in our state while seeking broad touring opportu- and enjoy singing music of various choral genres, always
nities. UM Chamber Chorale will perform at the 75th striving to bring authenticity and heart to each piece
Festival of Music at the University of Saarbrücken, Ger- they perform.
many (2022), Cadogan Hall and Southwark Cathedral
in London (Vox Anima London, 2022), and the Mon- Corrina Steinbach has served as director of
tana International Choral Festival (2019, 2022). choirs at Vallivue High School in Caldwell,
ID, since 2016. She currently conducts six
Coreen Duffy is director of choral activities choirs, all at varying levels, and believes
at the University of Montana School of in exposing students to an assortment
Music, where she conducts Chamber Cho- of choral music that ranges from Renaissance to
rale, University Choir, teaches conducting, Multicultural, as well as Vocal Jazz and Contemporary
choral methods, and supervises student Acapella. She believes in advocating for the arts and has
teachers. She is artistic director for the UM-Missoula served in leadership roles for both ACDA and IMEA.
Community Chorus. A specialist in Jewish choral music,
Duffy has presented sessions at national ACDA confer-
ences and the international conference of the European
Center for Jewish Music in Hannover, Germany. Duff y
serves as Co-Chair for World Musics and Cultures for
Northwest ACDA and is on the editorial board for The
Choral Scholar.
154 CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5