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2022 ACDA Northwestern Region Conference

                                            Headliner and Special E
                                            Headliner and Special Eventsts

                         Morten Lauridsen                   on over two hundred CDs, including several that have
                                                            received Grammy nominations. Lauridsen (b. 1943)
           Morten Lauridsen joins NW ACDA as a guiding pres-  served as composer-in-residence of the Los Angeles
        ence and inspiration throughout our 2022 gathering,  Master Chorale from 1994 to 2001 and is distinguished
        opening with his Lux aeterna and closing with an all-con-  professor of composition emeritus at the University of
        ference sing of his Sure on This Shining Night, with Morten  Southern California Thornton School of Music. He
        playing piano as we sing together. Additional sessions  serves as honorary artistic president of Interkultur/
        include:                                            World Choir Games.

        • Lux aeterna Combined College Choirs Conversation: A
        pre-conference conversation with  Lux aeterna collegiate             Opening Concert
        singers and conductor, Edith A. Copley

        • Text Setting & Interpretation with Morten Lauridsen             Lauridsen’s Lux aeterna
        (Plenary Session with all attendees): An exploration of
        choosing texts, setting texts, interpreting, and perform-  The NW ACDA conference opens with music of heal-
        ing texts                                           ing and renewal as 157 singers from six universities per-
                                                            form Morten Lauridsen’s Lux aeterna under the direction
        • A Conversation with Morten Lauridsen & Composers  of Edith Copley. After two days of combined rehearsals,
        (Composer Track): A Discussion of Career and Creative  these students will engage in discussion with our head-
        Life                                                line composer, Morten Lauridsen. Choirs include Boise

                                                            State University, Pacific Lutheran University, University
        • Sure on This Shining Night All-Conference Rehearsal &  of Alaska-Fairbanks, University of Portland, Western
        Conversation (Plenary Session): Rehearsal with the com-  Oregon University, and Whitworth University.
        poser and conductor Amber Lauridsen of Sure on This
        Shining Night (Nocturnes no. 3)                                Edith A. Copley is regents’ professor emer-
                                                                       itus at Northern Arizona University in

        •  All-Conference Sing with Morten Lauridsen: “Sure            Flagstaff, where she served as director of
        on the Shining Night.” On Saturday evening’s closing           choral studies from 1993 to 2021. At NAU
        concert, all attendees will join our voices together, led by   she conducted the Shrine of the Ages
        conductor Amber Lauridsen and accompanied by com-   Choir, Chamber Singers, and taught choral methods,
        poser Morten Lauridsen at the piano. All attendees will  conducting, and graduate choral literature. Copley has
        receive a print or digital copy of the music and rehearse  received numerous honors, including the NAU Centen-
        with this composer-conductor team on Saturday morn-  nial Teacher of the Year, Arizona Music Educator of
        ing’s plenary session.                              the Year, Arizona ACDA Outstanding Choral Director,
                                                            and the Weston H. Noble Award from her alma mater,
                                                            Luther College. She has served ACDA in various leader-
                    The music of Morten Lauridsen occupies  ship roles, including state and regional president, and is
                    a permanent place in the standard vocal  currently ACDA national president-elect.
                    repertoire of the 21st century. His eight
                    vocal cycles, instrumental works, art songs,
                    and series of sacred Latin motets are per-
        formed throughout the world and have been recorded

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