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                                           Alphabetical Listing of Interest Sessions
                          2025            2025 ACDA National Conference                                                                    March 18-22, 2025
                                                                       oth T
                                             Interest Sessions (Open to Both Tracks) )
                                                               pen t
                       March 18-22 Dallas, TX  In t er est S essions
                                                            ment. He holds an MM from California State Universi-
                           In Her Voice:                    ty-Los Angeles, an M.Ed. from Portland State Univer-
               Spotlighting Female Choral Composers         sity, and a BMA from Pacific Lutheran University. He
                                                            has taught in public high schools in Oregon, Colorado,
                                                            and California, and directed  church  and community
                    Saturday 9:00 am - 9:50 am              ensembles. His  research interests include choral into-
                                                            nation, vocal pedagogy, Renaissance and Baroque per-
         National Shrine Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe   formance practices, and choral repertoire by  women
                            Sanctuary                       composers.

           This session focuses on the work of female choral            Lynne Gackle is professor emerita at Bay-
         composers who represent a span of several centuries,           lor  University, where  she served  as the
         multiple countries, and various genres of music. In a          director of choral activities and ensemble
         new book, over forty authors wrote about more than             division chair. An active choral clinician/
         200 composers, giving information  about  their  lives         conductor nationally, she has held several
         and music. Each entry includes the  titles  of several   positions within ACDA, including  national  president,
         compositions  with details  about  voicing, instrumen-  Southern Region president, Florida ACDA president,
         tation,  duration, publishers, and a  bibliography. The   and TCDA VP-College/Community Choirs. Interna-
         project raises awareness of women choral composers   tionally recognized for her research on the female ado-
         and their output for various voicings. A panel of four   lescent voice, Gackle is the author of Finding Ophelia’s
         people involved in the book’s creation will describe the   Voice, Opening Ophelia’s Heart. She is a contributing author
         context of the project and share video recordings from   for other  books  published by  GIA, Oxford, and Hal
         additional contributors.                           Leonard/McGraw-Hill. Gackle serves on the editorial
                                                            board of Walton Music and is editor for the Lynne Gackle
                    Hilary Apfelstadt is professor emerita of   Choral Series (Colla Voce).
                    choral studies at the University of Toron-
                    to. She remains active as a guest conduc-           Mari Esabel Valverde  is an  award-win-
                    tor, clinician, masterclass  presenter, and         ning transgender  Mexican composer
                    author. She has served ACDA as interim              who has been commissioned by ACDA,
         executive director, national president, Central Region         Boston Choral Ensemble, Cantus, the
         president, NC-ACDA president, and has received lead-           Gay and Lesbian Association of Cho-
         ership awards from both ACDA and Choirs Ontario.   ruses, Los Angeles Master Chorale, One Voice Mixed
         She has taught public school, community, and church   Chorus, Portland’s Resonance Ensemble, Seattle Men’s
         choirs and was a faculty member at the University of   and Women’s Choruses, TMEA, and the University of
         North Carolina-Greensboro and the Ohio State Uni-  Michigan’s Glee Club. She has also built a reputation as
         versity. Her ensembles have performed at conferences   a singer, educator, adjudicator, and translator. Following
         of ACDA and Choral Canada. She curates a choral    six years as a high school classical voice instructor, she
         series by Canadian composers for Hinshaw Music.    spent two years specializing in transgender voice train-
                                                            ing. Proficient in Spanish, French, and Brazilian Por-
                    Alan Davis is a conductor, music educa-  tuguese, she has translated numerous vocal works and
                    tor, tenor, and voice teacher. He has com-  documents. She holds degrees from St. Olaf College
                    pleted the coursework for the DMA at the   and San Francisco Conservatory of Music.
                    University of Nebraska-Lincoln and is
                    currently working on his doctoral docu-

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