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                                           Alphabetical Listing of Interest Sessions
                          2025            2025 ACDA National Conference                                                                    March 18-22, 2025                                                                 Dallas, Texas
                                               est S
                                                               pen t
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                       March 18-22 Dallas, TX       Interest Sessions (Open to Both Tracks) )
        ing, Peterson  has  taught  in elementary, middle, high   serving as an associate conductor with the Seattle Chil-
        school, church, community, and collegiate settings. A   dren’s Chorus.
        professor at  California State  University-Fullerton,  he
        trains choral music educators and conductors, and di-
        rects the Concert Choir and Singing Titans Chorus.                “Hidden Flowers” —
        He has served the profession in many roles,  including
        president of the California Choral Directors Associa-              Persian Choral Music
        tion. His choral methods textbook RESONANCE: The
        ART of  the Choral Music Educator is used widely to train
        pre-service music teachers.                                    Thursday 1:10 pm - 2:00 pm
                                                                      First United Methodist Church

                 Help! I Have to Teach a Jazz Choir
                                                              We will examine the history of choral music in Iran;
                                                            historical  and  contemporary Iranian  choral  compos-
                   Thursday 1:10 pm - 2:00 pm               ers, conductors, and ensembles; repertoire from “ear-
                   First United Methodist Church            ly”  Persian  choral  music  to today;  and performance
                     Upper Room (3rd Floor)                 practice(s) associated with sound production and Per-
                                                            sian diction. The SDSU Chamber Choir, led by Arian
                                                            Khaefi, will demonstrate excerpts of works, discussing
           This session will address basics of vocal jazz peda-  challenges and successful approaches to this repertoire
        gogy with a slightly different emphasis: What do I need   with American ensembles from a conductor’s point
        to “un-learn,” leave behind, or modify when I go from   of view. Attendees will gain a knowledge of potential
        choir to jazz choir? Choral educators are well trained to   repertoire within a living database of Iranian works,
        teach choir but not necessarily jazz choir. Choir direc-  as well as a toolbox of methods to employ when ap-
        tors develop their tried-and-true, cherished techniques   proaching Persian choral music.
        to develop choral tone, but many of those techniques
        are out of place or do not work well when teaching              Daniel Reza Sabzghabaei is a creator who
        jazz. There is no need to despair. Your musicianship            is interested  in looking at  time  through
        and instincts will serve you well.                              different lenses: unpacking notions of tra-
                                                                        dition, exploring memories of those past,
                    John Hendrix accepted a teaching posi-              and investigating nostalgic frameworks
                    tion at Shorewood High School that in-  that  lean  forward. His  music  has been  presented  by
                    cluded  vocal  jazz after  he  had already   New York Youth Symphony, JACK Quartet, National
                    been  directing choirs  for twenty years.   Sawdust, Civic Orchestra of Chicago, American Com-
                    Having no jazz experience in his back-  posers Orchestra, Beth Morrison Projects, New York
        ground, he needed to become a student again. After   Festival of Song, Guerilla Opera, Moab Music Festival,
        a couple of “awkward” years, his jazz choir began to   Chorus Austin, Young New Yorkers Chorus, Pro Coro
        “hold its own,” and then became competent, competi-  Canada, The Esoterics, and VocalEssence. He recently
        tive, and reputable (of course, it was the teacher who   completed his doctorate at Cornell, where his disserta-
        was growing). Hendrix has enjoyed a career that in-  tion focused on Persian Choral Music.
        cludes church music; secondary music education (pub-
        lic and private)  in  Minnesota and Washington;  and

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