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2025 ACDA National Conference                                                March 18-22, 2025                                             Dallas, Texas

                                                            fostering cross-cultural communication, his  research
                   Developing Embodied Sound:               centers on Japanese choral music and folk songs. He

               Enhancing Rehearsal and Performance          teaches the Vocal Jazz ensemble and music education
                        through Movement                    courses at The Florida State University. Past organiza-
                                                            tions include the U.S. Army Band “Pershing’s Own,”
                                                            the Indianapolis Symphonic Choir, the Tacoma Youth
                                                            Chorus, the  Children’s Chorus of Washington, and
                    Thursday 9:00 am - 9:50 am              Columbia College in Missouri.

                   First United Methodist Church
                      Upper Room (3rd Floor)

                                                                    Divisive Concepts and Choral Spaces:
           Incorporating  movement  into the  choral  rehearsal   Strategies for Navigating Challenging Landscapes
        and performance can feel  daunting  and uninspired.
        This  session  will focus  on how to  organically incor-          A session hosted by the
        porate  movement  into  rehearsals and  performances    ACDA National Diversity Initiatives Committee
        to enhance, expedite, and ignite musical ownership in
        your singers. Movement will be divided into three cat-
        egories—free  form, guided,  and choreographed—to
        provide various points of entry for each director and            Friday 4:45 pm - 5:30 pm
        ensemble. Participants will be active in the session as we   National Shrine Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe
        develop a vocabulary of gestures and teaching strate-                  Grand Salon
        gies. These movement techniques will support an em-
        bodied choral sound and engaging choral experience
        that translates from rehearsal to performance.         In this session, the ACDA Diversity Initiatives Com-
                                                            mittee will examine how divisive concept laws are im-
                    McKenna Stenson  is an innovative  con-  pacting choral spaces across the country. As these laws
                    ductor, teacher, and vocalist who has built   attempt to restrict conversations around race, gender,
                    a career inspiring students to sing confi-  and social justice, music  educators, conductors, and
                    dently and motivating communities to    leaders in choral communities can find themselves in
                    create lasting change through song. Her   precarious positions. In this session, the presenters will
        energetic  demeanor  permeates positivity  throughout   provide insights into where divisive concepts are cur-
        the  ensemble, creating a community of compassion,   rently  under scrutiny, share  strategies  for navigating
        trust, and resilience. Stenson serves as an assistant pro-  these policies, and foster a space for open dialogue and
        fessor on the choral faculty at The Florida State Uni-  peer support.
        versity, where she teaches undergraduate choral meth-
        ods, graduate conducting, and graduate seminars. She   Presenters  for this  session  are the members  of the
        enjoys serving as a guest conductor, clinician, presenter,   ACDA  National Diversity  Initiatives Standing  Com-
        and adjudicator for choirs throughout the United States   mittee: Arreon Harley-Emerson, Verena Lucίa Anders,
        and abroad.                                         Noel Archambeault, Ramon Cardenas, Joshua Palkki,
                                                            Melanie E. Stapleton, Mari Esabel Valverde, and Kim-
                    Bryan Hiroto Stenson was born and       berly Waigwa.
                    raised in Tokyo, Japan, and seeks to share
                    a global perspective with the students and
                    collaborators he  works  with. Intent  on

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