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2025 ACDA National Conference March 18-22, 2025 Dallas, Texas
Lessons from Renaissance Polyphony “Let’s Sing Indonesian Choral Works”
for Our Contemporary Choral Toolkit with Maestro Avip Priatna and
the Batavia Madrigal Singers
Saturday 10:00 am - 10:50 am
Moody Performance Hall Friday 9:00 am - 9:50 am
Auditorium National Shrine Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe
The skills of successful Renaissance music perfor-
mance and the application of those skills to the perfor- This workshop will focus on four choral works by
mance of contemporary choral music will be explored young Indonesian composers that show the possibility
directly in this session. Participants will discover that of variations, nuances, and styles that Indonesian cho-
the music of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries ral works can achieve. What you’ll learn in each piece:
provides choral musicians with the tools, both indi- “Di Ambang Batas” (Fero Aldiansya Stefanus): how
vidual and ensemble, needed to perform the repertoire body percussion creates an atmospheric sound to por-
of the past seventy-five years artistically, in addition tray the very idea of “The Judgment Day,” as the title
to Renaissance repertoire itself. Using examples from of the song implies.
both the periods, participants will experience rehearsal, “Stabat Mater Dolorosa” (Vatara A. Silalahi): hear
vocalization, and conducting techniques that demon- the dissection of this contemporary piece directly from
strate the vital connections between the literature of the composer, who is also a member of BMS.
today and the wellspring of our shared choral art. “Gayatri” (Bagus S. Utomo): the cultural depth of
Gayatri mantra (Hinduism) by incorporating Balinese
Edward Maclary is professor emeritus traditional dance.
of music at the University of Maryland. “Hela Rotan” (Ken Steven): sing and dance along
Under his leadership over two decades, with BMS to this enchanting Indonesian folksong.
UMD Choirs toured throughout the
world, won top prizes in international Hazim Suhadi began his piano studies at
competitions, and performed multiple times to critical Yayasan Musik Jakarta and later earned
acclaim with the National Symphony Orchestra and a BA in French and francophone studies
the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. Maclary has been and a BM in piano performance at Law-
a guest artist at Westminster Choir College, the East- rence University. He then completed his
man School of Music, Indiana University, Ithaca Col- MM at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has
lege, Temple University, and Peabody Conservatory. worked with esteemed musicians, including Nobuko
He has served as chorus master for dozens of interna- Imai and Robert McDonald, and has participated
tionally recognized conductors, and from 2014 to 2017 in productions like Candide and L’étoile. He has served
was the director of the master class in conducting at on the boards of the Music Teachers National Asso-
the Oregon Bach Festival. ciation Collegiate Chapter and Classical Revolution
Madison Cooperative. Now a faculty member at the
Jakarta Conservatory of Music, he promotes Indone-
sian contemporary music and co-founded Klassikhaus,
a community connecting classical music to a broader
CHORAL JOURNAL January 2025 Volume 65 Number 5 55