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2025 ACDA National Conference March 18-22, 2025 Dallas, Texas
tistic director of Elevate Vocal Arts. Com- the International Symposium on Research in Choral Singing,
mitted to the principles of equity and Desert Skies Symposium, ACDA national conference,
justice, Equity Sings assists organizations and the Texas MEA convention.
in remaining relevant in the twenty-first
century. Harley-Emerson’s work includes J. Christine Le has served as conductor,
longitudinal studies, strategic planning, board gov- clinician, adjudicator, and collaborative
ernance, resource and asset development, and board pianist throughout the United States.
diversification. Harley-Emerson is a University Fellow She taught chorus in Florida and Louisi-
and doctoral candidate at the Boyer College of Music ana public schools for nine years. Choirs
Dance at Temple University, where he is pursuing a under Le’s direction have performed at state, regional,
PhD in music education with a cognate in choral con- and national ACDA conferences. Le is currently at the
ducting and has completed a graduate certificate in Di- University of North Texas working toward her DMA
versity in Higher Education. in choral conducting.
Good Treble: Great Stuff I Never Learned
The Case and Place for Treble Choirs (or Forgot) in Choral Methods
Friday 1:10 pm - 2:00 pm Friday 1:10 pm - 2:00 pm
First United Methodist Church National Shrine Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Atrium Grand Salon
In choral music, the hierarchy of different voicings Central to the celebration of the Choral Art: Past,
of ensembles has long been a topic of discussion and Present, and Future is the training of experienced
contention. In this presentation, we aim to uncover his- and emerging choral educators who change students’
torical biases specific to treble choirs, acknowledge both lives every day through music. Great teaching inspires
the growth and challenges remaining in contemporary great music making. This fun, engaging, and light-
treble ensembles, and provide suggestions for choral di- hearted session will explore effective choral rehearsal
rectors to keep treble ensembles moving forward within techniques including effective pacing and sequencing,
the choral landscape. Through a close look at historical integrating musicianship into the choral rehearsal, per-
context, present-day challenges, and future aspirations, formance assessment tips, and engaging techniques for
we advocate for tangible changes to reshape and uplift warming up the choir while turning off the choral “au-
all voices for generations to come. topilot.” Experienced and emerging conductors will
enjoy this practical session as a guide or refresher for
Julianna LoBiondo serves as a teaching fel- techniques they forgot (or never learned) during their
low in the college of music while pursuing choral training.
her PhD in music education at the Uni-
versity of North Texas. LoBiondo taught Christopher W. Peterson is a teacher,
high school chorus in New Jersey public conductor, author, and choral arranger
schools before earning her MM in choral conducting at of music and books published around the
Ithaca College. Recent research presentations include world. In his over thirty years of teach-
CHORAL JOURNAL January 2025 Volume 65 Number 5 49