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Alphabetical Listing of Interest Sessions
2025 2025 ACDA National Conference March 18-22, 2025 Dallas, Texas
Interest Sessions (Open to Both Tracks) )
oth T
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March 18-22 Dallas, TX In t er est S essions
Mass of the Americas: More than Surviving:
New Directions in Sacred Music Collegiate Stress, Burnout, and Musicianship
Friday 1:10 pm - 2:00 pm Thursday 1:10 pm - 2:00 pm
First United Methodist Church Moody Performance Hall
Crossroads Auditorium
Highlighting music from two traditionally under- Using a trauma-informed lens, this session ex-
represented communities, Frank La Rocca’s Mass of plores the physical impact of toxic levels of stress.
the Americas utilizes Mexican mariachi music as me- Stress impacts the body and has specific implications
lodic source material and contains the first known Ave for conductors and singers at all levels. Focusing on
Maria in the Nahuatl Aztec language. After undertak- the undergraduate experience, this session introduces
ing field research in Mexico City, including exploring research-supported ways to complete the stress cycle.
original source materials from the 1500 and 1600s, this Furthermore, recognizing that teachers are experienc-
presentation will showcase the fusion of an older com- ing high levels of burnout and compassion fatigue, this
positional style in a fresh new way. Come learn about session explores ways to establish a practice of wellness
this work that is accessible for both community/church and balance during one’s time as an undergraduate
choirs and university/professional choirs alike and that one can hopefully bring with them into the field,
epitomizes the merging of the past and present while preparing them to be a model of balance for future
pointing to the future of sacred music. generations.
Richard Carrillo is an assistant professor Rebecca DeWan is the Libra assistant pro-
and director of choral activities at the fessor of choral/general music education
University of Nebraska at Omaha. An at the University of Maine, where she
accomplished conductor, singer, educa- teaches undergraduate music education
tor, and researcher, Carrillo was a for- courses and conducts Collegiate Chorale.
mer member of the Grammy Award-winning Hous- DeWan’s fourteen years in the K–12 classroom inform
ton Chamber Choir and a recipient of the Tinker her research on trauma-informed, equity-centered
Field Research Grant, funding research in Mexico. teaching and learning. She recently earned a PhD in
He taught for nearly ten years at Plymouth, Minne- music education from Michigan State University. She is
sota’s Providence Academy, which included 2016 committed to building community through music.
MMEA and 2018 Midwest ACDA Regional Confer-
ence performances. His degrees include the University
of Houston’s Moores School of Music (BM), Missouri
State University (MM), and the University of Miami’s
Frost School of Music (DMA).
56 CHORAL JOURNAL January 2025 Volume 65 Number 5